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这种古代金石铭文,一刻千金。Every cut of ancient epigraph of this kind is precious.

第三章,主要对庾信碑志文作品内容进行分析。Chapter three analyzes the content of Yu Xin's epigraph works.

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本文由引言和六个章篇构成。This article consists one epigraph and the other six chapters.

在碑志文创作上庾信虽然仍守“蔡氏矩矱”,但也体现出了新变。Yu Xin's epigraph conformed to Cai's rules, but also showed changing.

第四章,主要对庾信碑志文的艺术特点进行分析。Chapter four analyzes artistic characteristics of Yu Xin's epigraph works.

引言阐述本文的主题与指导思想。The epigraph is about the topic and the guiding principle of this article.

最后讨论了次可微函数上图的生存性问题。As a special case, the viability of epigraph of a sub- differentiable function is discussed.

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日前该校已将蔡元培的题词定为校训,并举行了校训碑揭幕仪式。A few days ago, the school settled down Mr. Cai's epigraph as the school's credendum , and held the inauguration.

三峡水库建成后,整个白鹤梁题刻将会淹没于水中。After the construction of the reservoir in the Three—gorge is completed, the Epigraph will be submerged eternally.

本论文拟就从造像题记入手研究山东地区的民间宗教信仰。The essay studied nongovernmental religious belief of people in Shandong provence chiefly from the epigraph of figure.

新世纪以来,庾信的碑志文作品逐渐得到研究者的关注,相关的著述也相继问世。Since the 21st century, Yu's epigraph works have received increasing concerns of researchers and related writings have also been successively published.

北朝造像记作为一种独特的文学样式,是北朝儒佛交融的社会思潮的产物。Epigraph on Buddha statues, a unique literary form, is the product of social trend in which Confucianism and Buddhism were combined in the Northern Dynasties.

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首先,概括了蔡邕以来碑志文创作的基本结构形式,然后论述庾信在此基础上的继承与创新。First, the study summarizes the basic structure of epigraph creation since Cai Yong and describes Yu's inheritance and innovation of the structure as reflected in his works.

研究了函数和集在某点的邻近正则性与次微分连续性,给出邻近正则函数的次微分在某种意义下的单调性及函数的邻近正则性与其上图的邻近正则性的关系。The monotonicity, in some meaning, of subdifferential of prox regular functions and the relationships between prox regular of function and its epigraph are studied in this paper.

馆内设4个展厅,共展出杨子荣烈士遗物及其它文献、实物195件,照片、画像、绘画和题词240多幅。Four exhibition halls, located in memorial, display 195 Yang Zirong's relics, practicalities and other literature and 240 pieces of photographs, portraits, paintings and epigraph.

鉴于此,本论文在前人研究成果的基础上,以庾信的碑志文作为论述主体,旨在通过对其作品的分析与论述,进而为研究整个碑志文发展提供个案支撑。Based on the previous studies of Yu Xin's works, this thesis is aimed to analyze and elaborate Yu Xin's works and serve as a case study for the research of the whole epigraph development history.

你愿意的话,也可以把这两个词记下来,因为在最后,当内战最终打响的时候,双方都会一遍又一遍地重申,他们只是为了自由而战That could be an epigraph on this course, if you like, because in the end when this Civil War will finally come both sides will say over and over and over again that they are only fighting for liberty.