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当数据移动时,它被集中检查。As the data moves, it is checked intensively.

这个城市被加强的炮轰,许多人都受了伤。The city was bombed intensively and many were wounded.

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我也特意使用锥子在枪身上钻一些小洞。I also use intensively a seeing pin to add multiple small holes.

她相信兼职工作者比全职上班的人工作起来更专心。She believes part-timers work more intensively than full-timers.

我们的团队上星期密集地工作好在最后期限交件。Our team worked intensively for the past week to meet the deadline.

极致优雅,贵气袭人的厚妆幻彩经典家具。The intensively colored classic furniture with superb elegance and nobility.

我们让他们在承担,自身工作负担的情况下,参与这个强化体验。We planned them into this intensively experience in the context of their own work.

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噻吩类聚合物是研究较为广泛的功能高分子材料。Thiophene polymers is one of the most intensively investigated functional polymers.

目标是一个巨大的磁场,它强烈地吸引着你去拼死拼活地奋斗。——李俊琪。Objective is a giant magnetic field, drawing you intensively to work with all your might.

土地资源的稀缺性,决定了其走集约利用道路的必然性。The limitation and rareness of land resource decided that it must be utilized intensively.

本文全面分析了影响成型件精度的各种因素。All the factors that affect the prototyping precision are intensively analyzed in this paper.

Karotkin称,在Weil有一支至少25人组成的团队,正密集处理通用的重组事宜.Weil has a team of at least 25 people working intensively on GM's restructuring, said Karotkin.

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因之具高度的宗教性,是极圆成的宗教。Because Confucianism has intensively religious characteristic, so it is a very orbicular religion.

SPATA4基因是本实验室克隆的生殖细胞特异性基因,并且有明显的抑制细胞凋亡的作用。SPATA4 gene is a germline-specific gene cloned by our lab, which intensively suppresses apoptosis.

溢油事故发生之后,威廉王子湾成为环境研究的热点地区。Since the spill, Prince William Sound has been among the most intensively studied of environments.

利用微生物将木质纤维素转化成乙醇已成为当前研究的热点。For the conversion of lignocellulose into fuel ethanol by microorganisms is being studied intensively.

可见,对民生新闻的深入研究具有重要的现实意义。Obviously, study on reportages of People's Livelihood intensively has the vital practical significance.

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在同一块牧场持续地、频繁地放牧需要昂贵的补播移植。Letting animals feed continually and intensively in the same grazing areas can require costly replanting.

让动物持续及猛烈地在同一地方放牧讲需要耗费大量的重新种植。Letting animals feed continually and intensively in the same grazing areas can require costly replanting.

MoDisco集中使用了MDE原则和技术,以改善现存的反向工程方法。MoDisco intensively uses MDE principles and techniques to improve existing approaches for reverse engineering.