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案头工作可以明天再做。The paperwork can stay till tomorrow.

我的办公桌上就没有成摞的文件。There are no piles of paperwork on my desk.

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她问了些问题,并填了书面材料。She asked questions and filled out paperwork.

我能打字,处理文件书函。I can type, handle paperwork and correspondence.

她陷进了这些日常的文书工作中。She is getting bogged down in all this paperwork.

让你的律师草拟一些文件。Have your attorney draw up some initial paperwork.

购买新表时,保留所有的说明书和包装盒。When buying new, keep all the paperwork and boxes.

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他正坐在写字台前忙着他的案头工作。He is sitting at his desk and his way his paperwork.

把没完成的工作文件放在手提箱里或留在办公室里。Keep the paperwork inside a briefcase or your office.

旅行社也将处理所有棘手的文书工作。The travel agent deals with all the tricky paperwork.

所有这些文书作业都是打击警察。All this paperwork is emasculating the police service.

法官研究了一下法律援助律师提交的书面材料。The judge studied the paperwork provided by Legal Aid.

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不管哪个部长每天晚上都需四小时阅读文件。There's four hour's paperwork a night for any minister.

但他们正式的结了婚,还有结婚记录。But they had formalised their love, and had the paperwork.

你能不能在所有的文件上签名然后在四点以前还给我。Could you please sign the paperwork and return it to me by 4pm?

这些客户将不用办理手续也不必填写任何表格。No one would have to take any action or fill out any paperwork.

一个四至七岁的孩子所做的书面作业和任何一个官僚所做的一样多。A four-to-seven-year-old does as much paperwork as any bureaucrat.

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而那些注册的公司则发现那些文书像迷宫一样让人困惑。Those that register find the paperwork labyrinthine and confusing.

我们和其他妖精一起在古灵阁做一些文案的工作。We are in the bank with other goblins and doing a lot of paperwork.

完已延误的文书职业,补上以前未读或未写的书信。Finish overdue paperwork and catch up on letter writing and reading.