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不过,撒切尔还是以自己的准绳贯彻实施了法律。Thatcher laid down the law.

热情而真实但不正常的撒切尔的粉丝们。Strong and true and not natural fans of Thatcher.

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麦吉•撒切尔——麦吉,撒切尔,你听见了吗?Maggie Thatcher – can you hear me, Maggie Thatcher!

玛格丽特·撒切尔于1979-1990年任英国首相。Margaret Thatcher was British prime minister from 1979-1990.

你可曾听说过戴王妃、利兹•泰勒或梅吉•撒切尔?Have you heard of Princess Di, Liz Taylor or Maggie Thatcher?

离开者中有一位是曾任职于玛格丽特?撒切尔手下的部长级人物。One clear-out is of ministers who served under Margaret Thatcher.

她当时的绰号“铁娘子”,后来被英国首相撒切尔夫人继承。Her nickname "Iron Lady" was later inherited by Margaret Thatcher.

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1982年成立,在撒切尔夫人时期缔造了绝大部分的改革创新。Founded in 1982, most of its innovations took place under Thatcher.

撒切尔夫人担任反对党领袖那会儿,彭爵士正好主政研究部。Lord Patten was director while Mrs Thatcher was Leader of the Opposition.

我只是希望到时撒切夫人的身体状态良好,能接见我。我非常钦佩她。I am just hoping Mrs Thatcher is well enough to see me as I so admire her.

第二天他喝醉了。他跑到法官莎彻家连唬带骂。Next day he was drunk, and he went to Judge Thatcher 's and bullyragged him.

在1990年,英国首相柴契尔和总统布什在这里举行会谈。In 1990, Prime Minister Thatcher and President Bush held talks on the island.

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1992年,她被任命为上议院,作为撒切尔夫人的凯斯蒂文区。In 1992, she was appointed to the House of Lords, as Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven.

当撒切尔到达的时候,唐宁街挤满了祝贺者和摄影师。Downing Street was packed with well-wishers and photographers when Thatcher arrived.

她的公共和私人生活的不同要求简直会让人神经分裂。The meshing of her public and private lives placed near schizoid demands on Thatcher.

就连有“铁娘子”之称的撒切尔夫人也曾接受过朗诵课程,使自己的声音不那么尖锐。And "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher had elocution lessons to make her voice less shrill.

英国前首相玛格丽特·撒切尔夫人退位至今已有五个年头了。It has now been five years since Margaret Thatcher resigned as Britain’s Prime Minister.

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选举的坚实基础让撒切尔夫人可以对付工会首脑--如果她愿意的话。That electoral stability allows Thatcher to confront the unions head on—if she so chooses.

撒切尔夫人是否理会这些花言巧语的劝告,现在还没有迹象可以表明。If Mrs Thatcher took any notice of all this unctuous advice then there is no evidence of it.

此照片中,撒切尔夫人正在达特福德同一名烟囱清洁工人谈话,时为1951年的竞选中。Thatcher is pictured here talking to a chimney sweep in Dartford whilst campaigning in 1951.