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幻月,假月月晕上的光斑。A luminous spot on a lunar halo.

单位面积上的发光强度。The luminous intensity on unit area.

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传说中的一种可发夜光的珠宝。A legend can be made luminous jewelry.

太阳与恒星都是发光体。The sun and stars are luminous bodies.

我相信,是金子就会发光。I believe that the gold would be luminous.

这次展览充满鲜艳,明亮的快乐。This show is full of colourful, luminous delights.

光效高、显色性好、亮度高。High luminous efficiency, good color, high brightness.

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暗视觉的光谱光效曲线。Spectral luminous efficiency curve for scotopic vision.

通常情况下所说的夜明珠是指荧光石、夜光石。Usually say pearl refers to fluorescent stone, luminous.

冷光源,单色性好,发光效率高。Cool light, Good monochromaticity. High luminous efficacy.

就如我在夜光中欣赏被飞泉映亮的花影,。Just as I appreciated luminous reflect of flowery picture.

触摸你的音乐和手表上的夜光全屏幕视频。Touch your music wworriesching luminous full-screen video.

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其发光突变株具有稳定的遗传学性质。These luminous revertants have stable genetical characters.

固定的准星有发光嵌件用于低照度条件。Fixed sights have luminous inserts for low light conditions.

随着轻快的文字和插图明亮的拼贴,跳!With a lilting text and luminous collage illustrations, HOP!

爱情是和黎明一样光耀,和坟墓一样沉寂的。True love is as luminous as the dawn and as silent as the tomb.

漫漫长夜,就让温馨的发光抱枕陪你度过吧!The long night, let's warm and luminous pillow with you spend it!

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葡萄美酒夜光杯,金钱野鸭一大堆。Wine glowing in the luminous jade cups, a lot of money wild duck.

我坐立不安,并希望得到前进更明亮的讨论。I got antsy and wanted to move ahead to more luminous discussions.

在有机玻璃创建一个明亮的边缘效应的斜面边缘。The beveled edges of the Plexiglass create a luminous edge effect.