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遗传与环境?Heredity versus environment?

有些病是遗传的结果。Some diseases are present by heredity.

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门德尔发现了遗传规律。Mendel discovered the laws governing heredity.

本病由常染色体隐性遗传。This disease by euchromosome recessive heredity.

花性遗传属于质量性状遗传。Flower heredity is the quality properties heredity.

其主要受菲加性遗传控制。They were mainly controlled by non-additive heredity.

可引起脱发由遗传和荷尔蒙改变。Alopecia can be caused by heredity and changing hormones.

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基因是遗传的基本单位,在一个活生生的有机体。A gene is the basic unit of heredity in a living organism.

说明青少年白发者的皮纹可能有自身的遗传特征。Dermatoglyph of the juvenile poliosis has its own heredity.

我的皮肤有点黑,这点可能是从妈妈那里遗传过来的。My skin is somewhat balck, maybe which is a heredity from mother.

阐明了形质遗传染色体学说理论的美国生物学家。U. S. biologist who formulated the chromosome theory of heredity.

其实他对遗传或是遗传学根本是一无所知,而这两个对进化论很关键。He knew nothing of heredity or genetics, both crucial to evolution.

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遗传信息在基因中的排列是指四种碱基A、C、G、T的排列。Heredity information array in genes is the four bases A, C, G, T array.

遗传学是近代生物学中一门最引人入胜的学门。Heredity is one of the most fascinating subdiscipline in modern biology.

喹乙醇具有一定的蓄积毒性、遗传毒性和诱变性等毒理作用。Olaquindox has the toxic function of cumulation, heredity and seduction.

家谱分析显示,遗传方式符合常染色体显性遗传。Pedigree analysis suggests that FASD is a autosome dominant heredity disease.

除少数RNA病毒外,DNA几乎是所有生物遗传信息的载体。DNA is the carrier of heredity information of all biology except few RNA viruses.

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条件下黄瓜的下胚轴长与下胚轴粗进行遗传分析。Heredity of hypocotyls length was controlled by additive-dominance-epitasis model.

恒波树人的遗传记忆当中是否有对会这种情况地办法呢?Among Heng wave the tree person's heredity memory there is this way to the meeting?

但是两者本身并非存在形质上的遗传的没有选择的余地、程度、开始。But neither does heredity itself, nor the ting of titles, degrees, and initiations.