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雷耶斯现在觉得自己成了烫手的山芋。Reyes now finds himself in limbo.

会谈自2008年以来就不了了之。Talks have been in limbo since 2008.

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所以,无论如何,我仍然是在徘徊在事业的边缘,你呢?So anyway, I’m still in Career Limbo. How are you?

如果是夏威夷主题的烧烤派对,可别忘了好玩的凌波舞。Don’t forget the limbo if you’re having a Hawaiian theme BBQ.

然而实际上,诸如此类的怀疑和遁辞只会把协定打入冷宫。However valid, these doubts and quibbles left the accord in limbo.

然而,自2008年以来,六方会谈进展缓慢、步履维艰且没有取得实质性成果。But those talks have been slow and arduous and in limbo since 2008.

这些人夹杂在移民大军中,没有着落。In the meantime, these workers were trapped in "immigration limbo."

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他说,有关部门尚未接洽过公司,我们目前被夹在了中间。We have not been contacted by the authorities yet. We are in limbo.

然而这个所谓世界上最大的民主国家的议会却极近瘫痪。Yet the parliament of the world's largest democracy remains in limbo.

找找怎样才能和当地人交往而不把他们推到地狱边境的方法吧。Find out how to interact with the locals without dooming them to limbo.

我在半睡半醒的缥渺的幻境中度过整夜。Throughout that night I lay in the purple limbo between sleeping and waking.

但如今,已有68000名美军在阿富汗奋战,前途未卜。But there are already 68, 000 American troops in Afghanistan caught in limbo.

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后来,多亏我的高音萨克斯管教师比尔·希尼尔给了我一条脱离苦海的道路。It was my tenor-sax teacher, Bill Sheiner, who gave me a way out of this limbo.

一见太子爱妃如此蛮不讲理,当场大怒要将爱妃打入冷宫。See prince love princess so unreasonable, the rage will love princess in limbo.

过往的网络红剧,经过下架的命运之后,恐怕会就此被观众打入冷宫。Past network red, after the shelves of fate, I'm afraid will be the audience in limbo.

而且随着这场经济衰退没玩没了地上演着,可能会有越来越多的年轻人发现自己因为经济不稳定而陷入无着落的境地。And as the recession drags on, ever more youngsters are likely to find themselves left in economic limbo.

据估计,本国有近一百万名的年轻人生活在一种无法确定移民身份的状态中。By some estimates, nearly a million young people in this country are living in a kind of immigration limbo.

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格雷区市长托尼-考克舒恩说,当他们等待矿工命运如何的时候,一切都还是“悬而未决”的。Grey District mayor Tony Kokshoorn said the region was "in limbo" as they waited to hear the fate of the miners.

很多时候,应聘者都会觉得已被人遗忘,同时组织的招聘过程又过于冗长。All too often, candidates feel they have gone to limbo while the organization's recruiting process lumbers along.

纽约地区的三大机场,星期四上午计划的航班飞行都被暂停。At the three major airports in the New York area, flights that were scheduled for Thursday morning were in limbo.