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中世纪的居民。The Medieval inhabitants.

有去过中世纪教堂的吗Ever been to a medieval cathedral?

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停下来游览这个中世纪的古堡。Stop and visit the medieval castle.

死亡离中世纪的人们不再遥远。Death was never far from medieval man.

在佩里戈尔有城堡和中世纪的村庄。Castles and Medieval villages in Perigord.

都是中世纪伊斯兰的玻璃制品所特有的。are typical of medieval Islamic glassware.

尖音小号,号角中世纪号角,能发出尖利、清晰的音响。A medieval trumpet with a shrill clear tone.

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他考试前临时抱佛脚温习中世纪艺术。He boned up on medieval art before the exam.

存在于古英国和中世纪英国的贡金或租金。Tribute or rent in ancient and medieval England.

被各国分割统治的中世纪的神州·日本。By their divide and rule of medieval China japan.

所以,让我回溯到中世纪的英国。So let me roll the clock back to medieval England.

瓦尔特·迈普是一位中世纪用拉丁语写作的作家。Walter Map was a medieval writer who wrote in Latin.

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该博物馆收藏着一批精美的中世纪象牙制品。The museum has a fine collection of medieval ivories.

这里是十五世纪末期的英格兰。It is the end of the 15th century in medieval England.

这一主题是中世纪艺术所惯用的。This motive had been a stock-in-trade of medieval art.

在中世纪,坎普广场上曾立有一尊维纳斯雕像。In medieval times, a statue of Venus stood on Il Campo.

在诺曼底参观中世纪城堡和卢瓦尔河谷。Visit medieval castles in Normandy and the Loire Valley.

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当然,中世纪的战争不会发生在跑步机上。Of course, medieval battles did not happen on treadmills.

禁止反言原则源于中世纪的英国。The principle of estoppels derives from medieval England.

是的,源自中世纪的敌意可以愈合。Yes, enmities going back to medieval times can be healed.