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让我们将这个复杂的过程消除。The form of Akkadian used in Babylonia.

让我们将这个复杂的过程消除。Let's eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics.

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今天的亚述语被认为是阿卡得语的方言。Nowadays Assyrian is considered a dialect of Akkadian.

最后一位伟大的阿卡德国王是那拉姆-辛。The last of the great Akkadian emperors was Naram-Sin.

在国王乌尔纳姆的统治下,这个城市自立为一个帝国的首都,用于对抗阿卡德的统治者。Under king Ur-Nammu, the city established itself as the capital of an empire that rivalled that of the Akkadian rulers.

阿卡德语被作为书写在粘土板上的楔形文字,从最初一直被使用到公元前750年。Akkadian was written with the cuneiform writing system, on clay tab lets, and was in use from the beginning to ab out 750 b . c.

本质上来说,这里所使用的是阿卡德的基础语言,也就是阿维鲁,穆什钦努以及属于第三级别的奴隶。Essentially what's going on here is the underlying Akkadian words, I guess, are awilum, mushkenum, and then a third category, slave.

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巴比伦人担当啦苏美尔人和阿卡德人地文化功效,并发扬光年夜,把美索不达米亚文化开展到啦高峰。Sumerian and Akkadian Babylonians inherited the achievements of human civilization and carry forward the civilization of Mesopotamia to the peak.

美索不达米亚人认为不可思议的事是苏美尔和阿卡得起源的不可分混合物,被一种未知的底层人口所影响。The Mesopotamian view on the supernatural is an inextricable mixture of Sumerian and Akkadian origin, influenced by an unknown substrate population.

亚述人所使用的亚拉姆语分支,严重地受到亚卡德语的影响,以致学者们都称它为亚述人的亚拉姆语。The brand of Aramaic that Assyrians spoke was, and is, heavily infused with Akkadian words, so much so that scholars refer to it as Assyrian Aramaic . ?

在同一时期,阿卡得语取代了苏美尔语,而苏美尔语继续被抄写员使用,只作为纪念物的题字和宗教文献的语言。At the same time, the Akkadian language replaced Sumerian, which continued to be used by scribes only for monumental inscriptions and religious literature.

在一些列表中,中间几列是阿卡德语的语标符号,最后一列很明显是阿卡德语,按照发音来写,与语标符号相对应。In some lists the middle columns is an Akkadian logogram, the last column gives apparently the Akkadian meaning written phonetically and corresponding to the logogram.