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尽管人们证明他是一个认真尽责的帮手。It turns out, though, that he was a conscientious helpmate.

现在,她已成了他一切仁慈行为当仁不让的助手。She had now the right to be his helpmate in his all kind deeds.

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因为上帝看到动物都有自己的伙伴而亚当没有。For God saw that the animals had their helpmate but Man did not.

我确实老了,有一个老伴就会给我的晚年生活带来欢乐。I'm indeed getting on, and a helpmate would cheer my declining day.

基于RS-485总线网络,自行模块化设计了护士助手机器人控制系统。Modularize the helpmate robot control system based on RS-485 bus framework.

若上帝视女人为男人的伴侣,那他对男人必有很低的评价。If god considered woman a helpmate for man, he must have had a very poor opinion of man.

爱你的家人,朋友,伴侣和孩子,但是,你应该为自己活。Love your family, friends, helpmate and children, however, you should live for yourself.

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我将在茫茫人海中寻找我灵魂的伴侣,得之,我幸,不得,我命。I am going to search a helpmate for my soul in the boundless crowd, getting my luck, in-getting , fate.

本课题结合黑龙江省自然科学基金项目“护士助手机器人基础技术研究”,对涉及的关键技术进行研究。The research of this paper is supported by project of "Key Technologies of Nursing Helpmate Robot" , funded by the HeiLongJiang Natural Science Fund.

狭义的民事结合制度,既可指对非婚同居不分性别统一进行的立法,又可指单独对同性伴侣的立法。In a narrow sense, the civil union system contains the legislation for both unmarried cohabitation without sex differentiating and helpmate of the same sex.

护士助手机器人是一种能够在医院内自主导航工作的机器人,可以在隔离区进行自主的工作,提高病房的自动化程度,保护医护人员。Nursing helpmate robot is one kind of autonomous indoor robot, operating in the hospitals, which can be applied to promote hospital automation, protect the nurse from contamination.

护士助手机器人是一种在医院环境中工作、自主导航的室内移动机器人。Nursing helpmate robot is a kind of autonomous indoor mobile robot, operating in hospitals, can be applied to promote hospital automation, protect medical care personnel from cross contamination.