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礼貌是商务巨轮的润滑油。Despatch is the soul of business.

他觉得我们应该迅速行动。He feels we should act with despatch.

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然后他们被送到发货区。They are then transported to the despatch area.

不用说,只能是天使在您心中播下了这个念头。Surely only an angel from Paradise could have put it into your heart to despatch it.

我将会想要你帮助我对慈善组织收集这一存款而且派遣它。I will want you to help me collect this deposit and despatch it to charity organizations.

感谢你指出这一事件,我们已经安排立即装运。We are grateful to you for pointing out the incident and have arranged for the immediate despatch.

还有一种办法就是,世界各国的领导人可以向英国首相托尼·布莱尔学习,送两种不同的贺卡。Or, world leaders could decide to do as UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has done and despatch two cards.

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通过电报发出的通知,发送电报当天应被视为已经送达。A notice sent by cable shall be deemed to have been served on the day following the despatch of the cable.

投标必须立即用信件或通过电传、电报或传真的签署副本加以确认。The tender must be confirmed promptly by letter or by the despatch of a signed copy of the telex, telegram or facsimile.

“老爷,”跟班走进房间里来说,“内政部的一个龙骑兵送来了这封信。”"Sir" said the valet de chambre entering the room "a dragoon has brought this despatch from the minister of the interior. "

总统承诺要采取新的措施保护居民,包括派遣警察和援军。President Bush promised new measures to protect the residents , including the despatch of the police and the troop reinforcements.

人类将不会获得知识和必要的资金来制造计算机,去飞往月球,或者写作和发表像本文这样的社论。Men would not have had the information or wherewithal to build computers, to fly to the moon, or write and despatch editorials like this one.

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此外,我们也成立了一支候命队伍,以确保辐射探测及监测设备操作良好,可随时分发给决策局和部门使用。Besides, we had also set up a standby team to ensure that radiation detection and monitoring equipment were operational and ready for despatch to B&D.

期望论文的研究能为劳务派遣企业解决存在问题,规范发展劳务派遣提供一些有益的帮助。Expect that this study will provide some helps for solving existing problems in labour despatch service enterprises and Labour Despatch regularization.

用了这种包装,我们的破损率下降了,从而让我们对葡萄酒产品的发货也充满了信心。With the introduction of Protektapak our breakages have been reduced and as a result we are now able to despatch wine products with complete confidence.

夜里十一点多钟,博尔霍维季诺夫接受了书面报告和口头指示,就带领一名哥萨克和几匹可以轮换骑的马,飞快驰。At midnight Bolhovitinov received his despatch and his verbal instructions, and galloped off to headquarters, accompanied by a Cossack with spare horses.

当卡梅伦在首相问答环节因其在任时的表现受到表扬时,他幽默地说会怀念下议院三小时马拉松式的会议。When he was praised for his performances at the despatch box, Mr Cameron joked that he would miss the three-hour marathon Commons sessions after statements.

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据说,千英宇提到一些中国官员愿意“面对新的现实”,即对于中国而言,朝鲜已经失去了作为一个缓冲国家的作用。In that despatch Mr Chun reportedly says some Chinese officials were willing to "face the new reality" that North Korea was of little value to China as a buffer state.

在缺乏特别的减轻的情况下,未能在三个银行日内发送文件的银行应当认为是未能在合理的速度下采取行动。In the absence of special extenuating circumstances, a bank which failed to despatch the documents within three banking days would have failed to act with reasonable promptness.

她与高宗的小女儿太平公主,便命人在西市这个人流密集的地方修建放生池,来遣放生灵,以减赎母亲的罪责。She and the little daughter Princess Taiping, commanded in the west this crowded place to build free life pond, to despatch put creatures, in order to reduce culpability for mother.