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意外发生在一间木厂内。The accident took place inside a sawmill.

在锯木厂是全新的,非常可靠。The sawmill was brand new and very reliable.

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但我可以从伐木场弄到本地木材。Whereas I can get local lumber from a sawmill.

在原木被切锯开之前,是被放在锯木场里面晾乾。Before it is sawn, it is left to dry in the sawmill.

我很喜欢晚上和外公一起待在锯木厂里。I loved spending the night with Papaw at the sawmill.

必须端掉锯木厂边的哨所。It is necessary to exterminate the post at the sawmill.

鲁士士兵锯木厂草操练。The Prussians are drilling in the meadow behind the sawmill.

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我只要把这些圆木打捞起来,再把它们卖到锯木厂就行了。All I had to do was to get them and sell them to the sawmill.

这些树是收获的伐木工和发送到锯木厂。The trees are harvested by lumberjacks and sent to a sawmill.

采购辊是非常重要的芯片在使用锯木厂。The purchasing roll is of great importance when using sawmill chips.

萨特米尔是由19世纪地先驱约翰萨特拥有的壹个锯木厂。Sutter's Mill was a sawmill owned by 19th century pioneer John Sutter.

但是100亩的采伐计划仍在继续,为伊登市的锯木长提供木料。But plans are in place to log 100 hectares to feed the sawmill in Eden.

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在锯木场的客户中是那些椅子工厂及其他木料用户。Among the sawmill customers are the chair factory and other users of cut lumber.

得出的结果表明,两个锯木厂的锯木厂芯片可以改进。The results from the two sawmills indicate that the sawmill chips can be improved.

第二天,爹地将我锁在屋内独自一人到城里的锯木厂去卖圆木。The next day Daddy locked me in and started for the sawmill in town to sell the logs.

它的两个主要锯木厂业务,其纸浆厂和新闻纸工厂都关闭。Its two major sawmill operations, its pulp mill and newsprint mill were all shut down.

这个地方实际上是个锯木工厂,在车库顶端是个锯末收集器。This place was actually a sawmill and at the top of the garage is a sawdust collector.

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第二个电影出现一个木材厂的场景,在那一名男子意外切断他的手指。The second film showed a sawmill scene in which a man accidentally cut off his fingers.

阿巴科岛,扫密尔水坑,肯尼·布劳德在含有硫化氢的水层中。Kenny Broad sinks into the toxic hydrogen sulfide layer in Sawmill Sink on Abaco Island.

因为学校几乎在每一个项目都使用木材,于是最近买下了锯木厂。Because the school uses wood on nearly every project, it recently purchased its own sawmill.