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于是他站了起来。Then he rose.

于是他又站了起来。He rose again.

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我带着我的玫瑰。I bring my Rose.

玫瑰是多刺的植物。Rose is a briar.

她的名字是柔丝。Her name is Rose.

我想念你,柔丝。I miss you, Rose.

太阳出来红彤彤。The sun rose red.

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玫瑰和巧克力?Rose and chocolate?

一轮红日冉冉升起。A red sun slowly rose.

他站起来迎接我。He rose to welcome me.

镨钕氧化物的价格随之上涨。The oxide prices rose.

资金急剧增长。The funds rose sharply.

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玫瑰萌发新枝。The rose sprouted buds.

赠人玫瑰,手有余香。You share rose get fun.

他在她进来时起立身来。he rose as she entered.

我是沙仑的玫瑰。I am the rose of Sharon.

鱼游到水面上来了。Fish rose to the surface.

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他的面容浮现在我面前。His image rose before me.

我异域的野玫瑰。My rose of foreign genre.

黑灰呈云状扬起。Black dust rose in clouds.