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如果确实通过静脉注射毒品,也不要共用针头和针管。If IV drugs are used, do not share needles or syringes.

广告柱子变装巨型的医用注射筒。Advertising pillars were turned into giant medical syringes.

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注入是通过特殊的针筒进入输精管。Risug is injected through special syringes into the vas deferens.

Walgren知道他说厘米袋、药品、注射器的房子。Walgren says CM knows that his bags, drugs, syringes were at the house.

在这里,您可以看到我所使用的“喂养的针筒,”作为我的导弹管。Here, you can see that I ve used "feeding syringes" as my missile tubes.

今天我去献血,想解决一下我对注射器的童年阴影。Today, I tried to get over my childhood phobia of syringes by donating blood.

为什么漂白粉和水的混合物对表面的消毒效果比对针具内的效果好呢?Why is a bleach and water solution effective on surfaces and not in syringes?

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更多的注射器给妻子用上了,她现在因为疼痛有些畏惧。More syringes come out for the wife, who is now wincing a little from the pain.

这是一家生产多用途皮下注射器的药材公司。This is a medical supplies company that produces disposable hypodermic syringes.

如果注射器得到了安全处置,这些感染中有许多都是可以避免的。Many of these infections were avoidable if the syringes had been disposed of safely.

墙上有几对笼子,一个装满注射器的柜子以及装满透明液体的玻璃小瓶。There were a couple of cages on the wall and a cabinet with syringes and vials of a clear liquid.

然而,原告张先生对地坛医院带上法庭的针头和针管却提出质疑。However, the plaintiff, Mr. Zhang on the hospital to court Ditan needles and syringes are questioned.

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注射器和针头,将进行以商业化将在巴西的INMETRO密封。The syringes and needles would have to carry an INMETRO seal in order to be commercialised in Brazil.

不经消毒重复使用注射器和针头的做法,使数百万人有受感染的危险。Reuse of syringes and needles in the absence of sterilization exposes millions of people to infections.

其他单个组件,如注射器或者搅拌用玻璃珠的有时需要使用的管套等。Other components, such as tip caps for syringes or glass beads for agitation are sometimes also required.

一个触发的抗议似乎是一个无法解释的注射器使用刀刺事件。A trigger for the protests appears to have been a spate of unexplained stabbings using hypodermic syringes.

二个哈密尔顿注射器被使用与哈密尔顿阀门块的组合为试剂和样品吸取。Two Hamilton syringes are used in combination with a Hamilton valve block for reagent and sample pipetting.

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目的了解一次性注射器所用的硅油润滑剂对家兔肺组织造成的损伤。Objective To observe the lung injuries of rabbits by silicon oil lubricator used in the disposable syringes.

为进一步帮助各国,世卫组织制定了一次性注射器和安全盒采购指南。To further assist countries, WHO has developed a procurement guide for single use syringes and safety boxes.

这是正在使用雅培就其塑料托盘的Humira的预填充注射器医疗封盖。It is being used by Abbott Laboratories for medical lidding on its plastic trays of HUMIRA pre-filled syringes.