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不过,很多因素也可能阻碍贝南克的连任.However, Bernanke's reappointment could be derailed by a number of factors.

但一些人认为,经济复苏可能令贝南克再次获得任命之路更为崎岖。But some said a recovery could make Mr. Bernanke's road to reappointment more rocky.

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伯南克以其大胆、具有创新意识的危机处理者形象赢得了他的连任。Mr Bernanke has earned his reappointment by showing that he is a bold and creative crisis-manager.

他重新被任命被认为是获得外国援助、帮助经济复苏的主要绊脚石。His reappointment was seen as a major stumbling block in accessing foreign aid needed to turn the economy around.

奥巴马、盖特纳和伊曼纽尔早在夏初时就已开始考虑提名贝南克连任美联储主席。Inside the White House, Messrs. Obama, Geithner and Emanuel began weighing the reappointment decision early in the summer.

智囊团成员的聘用期限,从应聘之日起为期两年,期满后在双方同意的情况下可续聘。Membership for Think-Tank will be two years, and reappointment is possible if agreed between both parties after expiration.

林瑞麟的民望长期保持低位,是罢免率比续任率高的唯一官员。Stephen Lam continued to register poor popularity, he is the only official with more people asking for his dismissal than reappointment.

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虽然在一个月前由奥巴马任命参与到开始于2月1日的第二期计划,伯南克的复职没有得到参议院的确认。Although nominated months ago by Mr Obama to a second term starting on February 1st, Mr Bernanke’s reappointment had not been confirmed by the Senate.

其他可能的竞争者包括把汇丰银行的财务总监道格拉斯·弗林特挖过来,或者重新任命西亚姆的前任马克·塔克作为临时首席执行官。Other possible contenders might include an attempt to poach HSBC finance director Douglas Flint, or the reappointment of Thiam's predecessor Mark Tucker, possibly as an interim chief executive.

这两个职位是去年11月被任命连任的中央银行行长吉迪恩。戈诺和总检察长约翰内斯。托马纳,他们都和总统穆加贝的非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线有着紧密联系。The two are the reappointment last November of Central Bank Governor Gideon Gono and the appointment of Attorney General Johannes Tomana, both with strong links to President Robert Mugabe's ZANU PF.