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精美小饼和小杯黑咖啡,是的,先生。Petits fours and demitasse. Yes, sir.

我只要小杯黑咖啡,也要法国白兰地。I'll take just demitasse and also Cognac.

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我们要两小杯黑咖啡,给孩子水果牛奶巧克力吧。We'll have two demitasse coffees and a fruit bavarois for the child.

她准备着小咖啡杯,她的父亲开始颤抖,哭了起来。She prepared the cups of demitasse. Meanwhile, her father began to shiver and cry.

非常抱歉,本咖啡店不提供小杯黑咖啡,我们只提供一般杯的咖啡,先生。Very sorry, we don't serve demitasse in this coffee shop. We serve coffee, only in regular cup, sir.

索比想到,一只烤野鸭很对劲——再来一瓶夏布利酒,然后是卡门贝干酪,一小杯清咖啡和一只雪茄烟。A roasted mallard duck, thought Soapy, would be about the thing-with a bottle of Chablis, and then Camembert , a demitasse and a cigar.

索比想到,一只烤野鸭很对劲——再来一瓶夏布利酒,然后是卡门贝干酪,一小盃清咖啡和一只雪茄烟。A roasted mallard duck, thought Soapy, would be about the thing—with a bottle of Chablis , and then Camembert, a demitasse and a cigar.

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小女公爵将一把小银勺扔向他,他不再呜咽了,但豪厄尔一口咬住了小咖啡杯的边沿。The little duchess tossed a tiny silver spoon at him and he stopped whimpering, but Howell bit right into the lip of his demitasse cup.

男人们一从山上回来,便会懒洋洋地喝起浓烈的黑咖啡来,一喝就是好几个小时,直到杯底只剩咖啡渣为止。And once in from the hills, the men can loll for hours over a demitasse of fierce black coffee sipped down to the slurry at the cup's bottom.

家政课上的老师谈起的那种精致的晚餐,用鲜花和黑咖啡填补起来的菜品之间的停顿,在平稳、优雅而完美的一天过去后的晚餐,哼,谁会吃个晚饭吃得那么矫情?That exquisite dinner your teachers in Home Economicstalked about, the pause with fresh flowers and demitasse after a perfect day ofpoise and elegant living, well, nobody gives a rat’s ass about that.