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李荇帮忙也就算了,又怎能拖累了他?Li Xing helps also even if, how can implicate him anew?

这严重带累了墨西哥湾沿岸的旅游业。This seriously implicate the Gulf Coast's tourism industry.

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阿比的左轮手枪留在现场使罪案牵连到她。Abby's revolver is left at the scene to implicate her in the crime.

萨戈罗的调查最终显示他的哥哥涉嫌此案。His investigation would eventually implicate his brother in the crime.

到了早上,她们就怕地不敢再出面,而且还把自己搭进去了。In the morning, they're too afraid to come forward and implicate themselves.

总而言之,这些数据将GPRA引入到变态反应和哮喘的发病机理中来。Together, these data implicate GPRA in the pathogenesis of atopy and asthma.

你的作品何以表现出一种对于神秘性和超验景象的兴趣?Why do your works implicate your interest in mysterious and transcendental aspects?

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不过到目前为止,这种浪潮还未涉及到现任的编辑安迪.科尔森。So far, the allegations have failed to implicate the former NoW editor Andy Coulson.

一旦你做了,那么你给自己惹上了麻烦,树了敌,给人的印象是你对工作不专业。As soon as you do, you implicate yourself, make enemies, and come off as unprofessional.

所以产品的生命周期也就意味着的公司的生命周期。So, the lifecycle of the products will implicate the lifecycle of the company, " Chuah says."

这次来自中国的袭击事件并没有暗指中国政府。That attacks apparently came from China does not, onto itself, implicate the Chinese government.

网络语言的许多特点暗合了后现代的价值观念和文化内涵。Many characteristics of internet language implicate post-modern values and cultural connotations.

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其实在民间竹器物的设计制作中,蕴含着许多值得我们借鉴的文化价值。Nevertheless, unique cultural values that merit attention implicate in their designing and making.

北倾的莫霍面错断、叠置现象描述出扬子陆块的俯冲过程。And North-dipping Moho offsetting and stacking implicate the subduction process of the Yangtze block.

把我们的分析结果总结起来,结果表明PCM是一种便宜和可靠的热能管理解决方案。Taken together, our results implicate that the PCM is a cheap and reliable thermal management solution.

“子不教,父之过”,子女的贤愚、得失、功过牵连其父。The child's intelligence and ignorance, gains and losses and merits and demerits all implicate the father.

这提示大鼠颌下腺的5-羟色胺及其受体含量可能与其发育成熟有关。These results suggested that the contents of 5-HT and its receptor may implicate mature development of rat.

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期望卡斯特罗宣布放弃他的信仰或者承认自己卷入杀戮和暴乱行为是不合理的。Castro cannot be reasonably expected to renounce his beliefs or implicate himself in killings or atrocities.

中国继续在联合国安理会争辩说没有足够的证据表明朝鲜负有责任。China continued protesting in the U.N. Security Council that there was not enough proof to implicate the North.

他解释说,为他提供竞选活动经费的人勒索他,威胁如果不按他们说的做,基思将会被牵涉到菲拉格慕的谋杀罪中。He explains that his campaign financiers are blackmailing him with a threat to implicate Keith in Ferragamo's murder.