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闻闻我的口气。Smell my breath.

呼吸在瞬间凝止。Breath at moment.

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屏住你的呼吸。Hold your breath.

我深出了一口气。I held my breath.

检查你的呼气。Check your breath.

他有口臭。He has bad breath.

他感到她的呼吸。He felt her breath.

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我倒吸了口凉气。I sucked in a breath.

意識跟著呼吸移动。Move with the breath.

你呼吸有气短现象吗?Are you short of breath?

呼吸使身体有活力。Breath informs the body.

请闭气一下!Hold your breath please!

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都没关系,呼吸。It's all OK. Just breath.

首先,来做一次深呼吸。First, take a deep breath.

你怎么气喘吁吁的啊?Why are you out of breath?

一口气喝掉整瓶药水。Drink it all in one breath.

他口里散发出洋葱的臭味。His breath reeks of onions.

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如果不愿意,那就做一下深呼吸。If not, take a deep breath.

我们因害怕然而屏住呼吸。We held our breath in fear.

亮的让人憋住了呼吸。so bright I hold my breath.