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我站起身,开玩笑地推了她一把。I got up and playfully pushed her.

“别跟我说,”她开玩笑地说。“Don’t tell me, ” she said playfully.

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我调皮地吐了吐舌头,转身逃走了。I playfully spit of the tongue, and turned away.

他一边嬉戏说,一边轻轻戳了一下我的腋窝。He said playfully as he gently poked me in the arm.

二、三,叠罗汉,群策群力,一起到高天去游玩。One, two, three working together playfully reaching the heights.

他的两个又粗又短的手指对着尤索林的脸开玩笑地乱摇晃。Two of his stubby fingers was waggling playfully into Yossarian's face.

你开玩笑似的时常口角,如此这般几年之后,就会当真了。You playfully bicker enough, and after a few years, it stops being playful.

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他认真地叫出我的全名,然后用他空着的手玩弄着我的头发。He pronounced my full name carefully, then playfully ruffled my hair with his free hand.

我可能有非凡的、举世闻名的显现,我可能会以此形态玩世。I may appear to be extraordinary, a doer of famous things. I may appear playfully as that.

尼克松可玩笑地捅了下先林的肩膀,并送了他们白宫的袖扣。Nixon playfully punched Schilling on the shoulder and gave both men White House cuff links.

当父母使用讥讽的言辞拿他们年幼的孩子来开玩笑的时候,孩子们能体会到其中的幽默吗?When parents use sarcasm to playfully tease their young children, do the kids see the humour?

在这样的孤独里,缺席的孤独里,这个孩子用树来玩。In the solitude, the solitude of that absence, the boy uses the tree to work his will playfully.

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已经有人反映说,KP2在玩耍的时候把人们按到水下,每次持续几秒钟。Already, there have been reports of KP2 playfully pulling people underwater for seconds at a time.

小男孩看到药瓶走了过去,他觉得好奇,又被药水的颜色所吸引,于是拿起它一饮而尽。The boy saw the bottle and playfully went to the bottle and fascinated by its color, drank it all.

而另外一幕,是一位祖父正在和孙儿和孙女嬉戏,用手弄乱他们的头发。In the other scene the grandfather was playfully tousling the hair of a grandson and granddaughter.

当学生们在快乐地表演时,这首歌应该带来微笑和咯咯的笑声。This song should elicit some smiles and giggles as students playfully engage in their performances!

当我们正在欣赏湖光山色时,她淘气地把我推进湖里。As we were looking at the mountains all around us, she playfully pushed me off the side into the water.

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我知道,她锐利的牙齿本可咬穿我的皮肤,但她总是小心地嬉闹。I knew that her sharp teeth could have gone rightthrough my skin, but she was always playfully careful.

一张照片显示了学员们在军械库里拿左轮手枪开玩笑似的指着同事。One photo shows cadets playfully pointing revolvers at colleagues in a room that appears to be an armory.

建筑上方,不规则形状的孔洞穿插在立面上,为该方案增加有趣的抽象的品质。Above, irregularly shaped apertures puncture the elevation, lending the scheme a playfully abstract quality.