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对南方红豆杉种子休眠原因进行研究。The dormancy mechanism of Taxus chinensis var. mairei seeds wad studied.

目前,国内的许多红豆杉种植企业正在开发红豆杉的系列产品。At present, many domestic enterprises are planted yew Taxus product development.

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紫杉醇药物释放支架弥漫性再狭窄发生率较雷帕霉素释放支架有所增加。The diffuse restenosis lesion were common in taxus stent than that in other DES.

对自然状态下南方红豆杉茎干向下萌生的气生不定根进行解剖学观察。The anatomical structure of the aerial adventitious roots of Taxus chinensis var.

东北红豆杉种子休眠机理与解除技术探讨。Dormancy mechanism and relieving techniques of seeds of taxus cusp idata sieb. et zucc.

云南红豆杉是我国生产紫杉醇药物的主要树种。Taxus yunnanensis is the major species for producing anti-cancer medicine taxol in China.

Xience和Taxus在心脏病发作致死方面的比率没有什么不同。There was no difference between Xience and Taxus in terms of deaths or heart attack rates.

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分析了江西省莲花县曼地亚红豆杉产业现状及规划。Then, the present situation and plan of Taxus Media industry in Lianhua, Jiangxi are analyzed.

云南红豆杉紫杉醇含量高,具有较高的药用开发价值。Comparatively, Taxus wallichiana is high in Taxol content, and has great medicinal development value.

介绍了近年来红豆杉细胞工业化培养生产紫杉醇的研究进展。The recent progress in the research on production of taxol by taxus cell industrialization culture was reviewed.

运用正交试验优化小细胞团法筛选红豆杉细胞系的筛选培养基。Taxus chinensis cell line is selected by a small cell aggregate culture, and its plate culture medium is studied.

建立了云南红豆杉树皮中紫杉醇的反相高效液相色谱定量分析方法。A reversed phase HPLC method for quantitative determination of taxol in bark of Taxus Yunnanensis was established.

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对井冈山国家级自然保护区南方红豆杉群落进行了样地调查和群落区系分析。A floristic analysis of Taxus mairei community in Jinggangshan national nature reserve in Jiangxi province is made.

方法取自然生长状态下南方红豆杉根,石蜡切片光学显微观察并照相。Methods The roots of Taxus chinensis var. mairei at nature were cut with paraffin, dyed and observed by microscope.

目的对栽培于我国辽宁本溪的曼地亚红豆杉针叶的化学成分进行研究。Objective To investigate chemical constituents from the needles of Taxus media growing in Liaoning Province of China.

应用气升式生物反应器及搅拌式生物反应器悬浮培养红豆杉细胞,得到细胞生长和紫杉醇合成动力学曲线。The growth of plant cell cultures of Taxus chinensis in the airlift bioreactor and stirred tank bioreactor is studied.

对自然状态下南方红豆杉茎干向下萌生的气生不定根进行解剖学观察。The anatomical structure of the aerial adventitious roots of Taxus chinensis var. mairei. was investigated in this paper.

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对紫杉B10细胞系进行悬浮培养,并对其生长过程与营养物质的消耗过程进行了测定。The kinetics of Taxus cell growth and nutrient consumption was investigated using a suspension culture of Taxus cell B10.

以引种栽培的3年生曼地亚红豆杉为材料,研究了土壤水分胁迫对叶片膜保护系统和膜脂过氧化作用的影响。The effects of soil water stress on membrane protective system and membrane lipid peroxidation in 3-year-old Taxus media cv.

德克萨斯州马绍尔的陪审团认为,该公司的紫杉属表达支架和李博特支架侵犯了萨弗朗的专利权。A jury in Marshall, Texas, concluded that the company's Taxus Express and Taxus Liberte stents infringe on Saffran's patents.