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我们一起做柔软操。Let us do calisthenics.

我喜欢做健美操。I like to do calisthenics.

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抽象概念的大脑健身操Brain Calisthenics for Abstract Ideas

接着,成年人也开始用呼拉圈来锻炼身体。Then adults started using them for calisthenics.

它可以给你和你的家人带去很多欢乐。May go to the morning calisthenics together with you.

在训练中,士兵要做一种四拍一节的体操。During training, calisthenics are done to a four-count.

团体操将注入更多的时代流行元素。Group calisthenics will inject more popular elements of the era.

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情绪直接影响健美操教学的质量。Emotions have direct influences on the quality of calisthenics teaching.

建筑的设计特点是立面的柔软感。The architecture of the building is characterized by calisthenics of facades.

等到胡元上高三,广播体操就不会是强制性的了。In Mr. Hu's last year in high school, calisthenics for seniors will be optional.

我刚看了一段中学生团体操的表演。I watched a group calisthenics performance put on by middle school students just now.

包括有氧练习和体重抗性锻炼或柔软体操。Include a mix of aerobic exercise and resistance training with weights or calisthenics.

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健美操能否成为著作权客体是个见仁见智的问题。Whether or not calisthenics should be the object of author′s rights is a controversial topic.

团体操的队形是表达主题思想的基本手段,是团体操创编工作的关键。As a basic means of thematic expression, formation is a key factor in designing group calisthenics.

我想我可以尝试一些肌肉锻炼或是健美操,看看我的身体的反应如何。I’m going to try some weight training and calisthenics to see how my body recovers from such workouts.

健美操是融力量美与形体美为一体的高雅体育项目,深受青年大学生的青睐。As an elegant sports united by beauty of power and shape, calisthenics is popular among college students.

团体操所表现的是一种整体美,整齐划一,均衡对称、对比调和、节奏旋律和形式多样化统一为其审美构成法则。The tidy beauty is the key that the group calisthenics shows and also the rules and bases on which it is created.

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1990年参加了第11届亚运会开幕式大型团体操表演,驰誉中外。In 1990, it join group calisthenics of opening ceremony in the 11th Asia Sports Game, was renowned at home &abroad.

健美操是一项比较新兴的、符合时代潮流的体育运动,它具备了许多体育运动项目所不及的特点和作用。Calisthenics is a new sport going with the current of the times. It has its own unique characteristics and functions.

作为书法艺术,于右任先生选择“标准草书”未获成功,然而他为推动草书运动采取的方法却是成功的。Yu has not succeed on choosing"standard cursive hand ", however, his method for forcing cursive hand 's calisthenics was successful.