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澄清关于两性体的谣言。Disprove that whole hermaphrodite rumor.

要辟谣几乎是不可能的。It is nearly impossible to disprove a rumor.

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“犯罪者”要提出不同意见,那几乎是不可能的。Thisis almost impossible for the"offender"to disprove.

“犯罪者”要提出不同意见,那几乎是不可能的。This is almost impossible for the “offender” to disprove.

你不能证明它也不能证伪它,而且无从检验。You can't prove it or disprove it, and you can't test it.

在这样特殊的情况下,我打算对你的假设提出反证。Well in this specific case I am going to disprove your assumption.

请病假的理由中,一半都是肠胃不舒服,很难辨明真伪。Half of all health-related excuses involve stomach upsets, which are hard to disprove.

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他在辩论赛中输了,因为他无法证明对手的论点是错的。He failed in the debate competition, because he couldn't disprove the argument of his opponents.

如果您认为您的孩子可能患有多动症,有测试来证明或者反驳这个理论。If you believe your child might have ADHD, there are tests that will prove or disprove that theory.

你知道,当时不像我们今天这样,有因特网可以用来驳斥各种古怪的说法。And, you know, they didn't have the Internet to disprove all these wacky theories, like we do today.

如果需要一个反驳“如果你造了他们就要”的真理,那就是赛格威。If there was ever a product to disprove the axiom "If you build it, they will come, " it's the Segway.

现在,和其他人一样我知道短期出现一点坏天气并不能反驳长期的趋势。Now, like the others I know a little bad weather in the short-term doesn't disprove a long-term trend.

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也许你不同意上面所说的,然后给我们看看你的反证的证据?Maybe you should disprove the above as mere allegations and show us proof to clarify some things a bit?

伯恩斯坦说,该方法的普及似乎驳斥了对好莱坞使精神失常问题“显得琐碎无聊”的责难。Its popularity seems to disprove the charge that Hollywood "trivialises" mental disorders, Dr Bernstein says.

检控官表示,他们难以反驳卡恩的说法,他和酒店女服务员在酒店的行为是双方自愿的。Prosecutors said they could not disprove his assertion that the encounter with a hotel chambermaid was consensual.

单个气象事件,从热浪来袭到大寒潮,不能用来证明或是否认气候变化。Individual weather events, from heatwaves to big freezes, cannot be used either to prove or disprove climate change.

相信‘修订’发生过的人们是想试图来反驳圣经的可靠性及圣经是上帝的话语这一真理。People who believe that 'recensions' took place want to try to disprove that the Bible is reliable and is God's Word.

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如果我们中的某一位能够首先对一个信号作出解读,其他人就能对其进行证实或证伪。If one of us will be able to provide the first hints of a signal, the other will be able to confirm it or disprove it.

对于能反驳或者证明该模式错误的未来观察结果,如果未经证实,该模式能够对之进行很好预料。Makes detailed predictions about future observations that can disprove or falsify the model if they are not borne out.

大卫·格雷汉姆说,“马歇尔的理论好在,如果他是错的,要证明这一点会是多么容易。”David Graham said, "The great thing about Marshall's theory is that if he's wrong, it's going to be so easy to disprove.