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悲剧片?Tragedy piece?

这是一个悲剧。It was a tragedy.

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音乐和悲剧?Music and tragedy?

这正是她们的悲剧。That is their tragedy.

吾乃悲剧之王……I am the king of tragedy.

我喜欢笑剧而不喜欢惨剧。I prefer farce to tragedy.

这本书以悲剧结尾。The book ended in tragedy.

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真是个悲剧,安。It's really a tragedy. Ann.

这是整个国家的悲剧。This is a national tragedy.

笑剧是惨剧加之时间。Domedy is tragedy plus time.

每个女人的命运,都是悲剧。Every womans fate is a tragedy.

这是一个难以想象的悲剧。This is an unimaginable tragedy.

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我简直接受不了这个悲剧。I am overwhelmed by this tragedy.

不要让这样的悲剧再次发生。Don't let the tragedy occur again.

这将是另一出悲剧。That would be yet another tragedy.

应该称其为公众的悲剧吧。Call it the tragedy of the commons.

悲剧是曲解的美丽。Tragedy is a distortive loveliness.

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君不见高堂明镜悲白发。Opening Diocese mirror tragedy hair.

这就是电影所要体现的人性悲剧。That is the human tragedy of it all.

这幅梦幻般的照片下面掩盖着悲剧。This dreamlike photo belies tragedy.