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如果我们请来生理学家,他会告诉我们一些知识But we have the physiologist come in and he'd actually tell us these things.

生理学家新近研究表明,傍晚锻炼最为有益。The physiologist recently studied indicated that evening exercises beneficially.

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但是我们的这个生理学家进来,他能告诉这些我不知道的事。But we have the physiologist come in and he'd actually tell us these things. I don't know them.

在入选国会议员前,我是海军航空医学院的一名生理学家。BEFORE I was elected to Congress, I was a physiologist at the Navy's School of Aviation Medicine.

一大跃进,按摩是在十九世纪初,由瑞典生理学家所谓的每亨利克玲。A leap forward for massage was made in the early nineteenth century by a Swedish physiologist called Per Henrik Ling.

生理学家奥托·勒韦正在研究神经反射的机制,特别是关于神经末端产生的各种化学物质。The physiologist Otto Loewi was working on me mechanism of nerve action, in particular on the chemicals produced bynerve endings.

就在迈布里奇积极探索的同时,生理学家兼摄影师艾蒂安朱尔斯·马雷也在利用摄影技术分析运动过程。At the same time as Muybridge, the physiologist and photographer Etienne-Jules Marey was also using photography to analyse movement.

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训练用的面具经过特别设计,容许更高的呼吸速率。The masks for training are specially designed to allow for a higher breathing rate, USOC senior sport physiologist Randy Wilber says.

美国生理学家曾经做过大量调查发现,性生活不完美是一些人失眠的重要原因。American physiologist once had made many investigation discovery, sexual life is the main reason of insomnia of a few people faultily.

就像我说的,这就是一些,医学院的人,生物学家或生理学家,向我们描述的死亡As I say, it's the sort of thing that somebody from the medical school or a biologist or a physiologist or something could describe for us.

任何因这种困境产生的消极情绪也可以通过求助生理学家或者私人顾问来得到治疗。Any negative emotions build up during the period of this condition can be also treated and addressed with a physiologist or a personal counselor.

悉尼的一位运动生理学家比尔•苏卡拉建议道,当你不想锻炼的时候,不妨想想运动时或运动之后的感觉有多爽。When you don't feel like exercising, remind yourself of how good you'll feel during or after exercise, says Sydney-based exercise physiologist Bill Sukala.

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他丹佛科学咖啡馆之一,是历史最悠久的和最流行的USPresenters包括研究员,教授,医生,最近,生理学家伊尼戈圣米良。His Denver Cafe Sci is one of the longest-running and most popular in the U. S. Presenters have included researchers, professors, clinicians and, recently, physiologist Inigo San Millan.

吉多·冯·丹·希莱特说。他是荷兰莱顿大学动物生理学家,正在测量这条被捉鱼的速度。"Eels aren't very fast, but they can swim forever, " says Guido van den Thillart, an animal physiologist at Leiden University in the Netherlands who is measuring the speed of this captive fish.

“有很多关键的生理问题,很可能在几秒钟内就能危及生命,”加州大学圣地亚哥分校的一位医生和生理学家,彼得·瓦格纳说到。"There are a number of critical physiological problems that would be life-ending, likely within seconds," said Peter Wagner, a physician and physiologist at the University of California, San Diego.