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我也告诉过马侬了。I told Magnon so.

马侬姑娘是一种作恶的漂亮人物。Magnon was a sort of fashionable woman in the sphere of crime.

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德纳第的灾难引起了马侬姑娘的灾难。The Thenardier catastrophe involved the catastrophe of Magnon.

马侬姑娘装出一副贵妇人的样子,不在他们面前说行话。Magnon played the lady, and talked no thieves' slang in their presence.

那家伙,叫马依的,一年过后,又送了他一份礼。The woman, whose name was Magnon , sent him another parcel in the following year.

在那次白喉流行期间,马侬姑娘在一天里,早上一个,傍晚一个,接连失掉了两个儿子,两个年龄都还很小。During this epidemic, the Magnon lost both her boys, who were still very young, one in the morning, the other in the evening of the same day.

不过德纳第在出借那两个孩子时,要求每月非分给他十个法郎不可,马侬姑娘表示同意,甚至每月到期照付。Only, the Thenardier exacted for this loan of her children, ten francs a month, which Magnon promised to pay, and which she actually did pay.

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爱潘妮出狱时,马侬在玛德栾内特的大门外偷偷候着她,把普吕戎写给巴伯的那张字条给了她,派她去把这件事“弄清楚”。When Eponine came out, Magnon , who was watching the gate of the Madelonettes, handed her Brujon's note to Babet, charging her to look into the matter.

在前面几页里,我们谈到过一个叫马侬的姑娘,曾取得吉诺曼这个老好人的津贴来抚养她的两个儿子,现在涉及到的便是这个妇人。The woman Magnon , who was mentioned a few pages further back, was the same one who had succeeded in making old Gillenormand support the two children which she had had.

不过德纳第在出借那两个孩子时,要求每月非分给他十个法郎不可,马侬姑娘表示同意,甚至每月到期照付。Only, the Thenardier exacted for this loan of her children, ten francs a month, which Magnon promised to pay, and which she actually did pay. It is unnecessary to add that M.

发现在布里渊区边界区域磁振子谱的软化和磁振子谱线增宽最明显。也讨论了各项参数的变化对磁振子谱的软化与磁振子谱线增宽的影响。It is concluded that at the boundary of Brillouin Zone there is a strong broadening in the magnon linewidth and softening, and the influences of the parameters are also illustrated.

利用格林函数方法研究了磁振子声子相互作用下的一维绝缘铁磁链的磁振子谱,计算了布里渊区的磁振子色散曲线。By using Matsubara Green function theory, we have studied the magnon spectrum, and calculated the magnon dispersion curve on the Brillouin Zone for different parameters in the system.

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比较纵向声子与横向声子对磁振子谱的软化与磁振子谱线增宽的影响,并讨论各项参数的变化对磁振子谱的软化与磁振子谱线增宽的影响。The influences of longitudinal phonon and transverse phonon on the softening and broadening in the magnon linewidth are compared, and the influences of the parameters are also illustrated.

你自己的历史的书将告诉你关于许多的其他周期,较小的周期从猿人到直立猿人,智人和克鲁麦农人,但是它是比那多了许多。Your own history books will tell you about many of the other cycles, the smaller cycles from the apes into Homo erectus, Homo sapiens and Cro- Magnon man, but it is so much more than that.

德纳第大娘对她的两个小儿子,原已下定决定永远抛弃不要了的,可是在把他们交付给马侬姑娘的那天晚上,她忽然感到心虚,或是故意装作心虚。On the evening of the day when she had handed over her two little ones to Magnon , with express intention of renouncing them forever, the Thenardier had felt, or had appeared to feel, a scruple.