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儿孙满堂。Surrounded by grandchildren.

现在俺有两个孙子。Now I have two grandchildren.

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他和他的几个孙子逗乐。He bantered with his grandchildren.

现在他们已经有两个孙子了。Now their've had two grandchildren.

你的孙子可能都坚持不到。Your grandchildren might not, either.

我们的孙儿将无法依靠任何事情生活下去。Our grandchildren will live on nothing.

大象和孙儿女最记仇。Elephants and grandchildren never forget.

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我要带我的孙去上学。I have to take my grandchildren to school.

孙子都这么大了,还贫嘴!Grandchildren are so big, but also Garrulous !

她有两个孩子和三个孙子。Pema has two children and three grandchildren.

阿匹梅烟又封过另外三个孙子。Ai Meiyan honored the other three grandchildren.

哎呀哎呀,不行,让我们叫孙子来帮忙。Oh My God, no, let's call grandchildren to help.

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死老头子!孙子都这么大了,还贫嘴!Die old man! Grandchildren are so big, garrulous!

也许她只是抱孙心切吧。Maybe she is just eager to see her grandchildren.

迪丹吉现在有7个子女和8个孙子孙女。Dingee has seven children and eight grandchildren.

我愉快地拥抱了我的孙子孙女,和他们打招呼。I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren.

让我们子子孙孙都有水的陪伴!Let us have children and grandchildren with water!

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孙子孙女们长大了,爷爷、奶奶年迈古稀。Grandchildren grow up, and grandparents grow older.

他们为其孙子孙女成立了家庭托拉斯。They set up a family trust for their grandchildren.

Ziona有39个妻子,94个孩子,33个孙子。Ziona has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren.