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哇,骷颅面具!Wow, a skeleton mask!

什么是框架便携性呢?What is "skeleton portability"?

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你如何让一个骷颅头发笑?。How do you make a skeleton laugh?

每个珊瑚虫有灰质的骨骼。Each animal has a chalky skeleton.

骷髅岛,东南东偏东。Skeleton Island E. S. E. and by E.

每家都有本难念的经。Every family has a family skeleton.

贾斯有个不为人知的秘密。Garth has a skeleton in his closet.

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骷髅坪林生存的活人。Skeleton lawn survival live person.

这个纲要时间表是您的基础。This skeleton schedule is your base.

那老人瘦成骷髅般。The old man was reduced to a skeleton.

一具骷髅挂在我眼前。A skeleton was dangling before my eyes.

他正在研究骨骼构造。He was studying the structure skeleton.

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那么我要先把骨架重新写在这。So I'm just going to re-draw my skeleton.

你怎样称呼你的朋友,枯骨吗?Who are you calling friend, skeleton man?

许多家庭都有不可外扬的家丑。Many families have a skeleton in the closet.

骷髅岛,东南东偏东。Skeleton Island East-South-East and by East.

这片建筑还只是仅有主梁的骨架。The block is still just a skeleton of girders.

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每一个类都是必须完成的框架。Each class is a skeleton that must be completed.

其骨架显示没有任何疾病或是外伤。The skeleton showed no sign of disease or injury.

他的儿子好奇地弯下身去看鹿的骸骨。His boy bent curiously to the skeleton of the buck.