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别为一些琐事与别人争吵。Don't wrangle with others over trifles.

他不愿卷入这种激烈的党争。He was reluctant to plunge into the bitter partisan wrangle.

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他们两人一谈就顶牛儿。The two of them began to wrangle the moment they got talking.

但是他与俱乐部有口头争吵,所以可能未来不能再挣这么多了。But he’s in a contract wrangle with Arsenal, so may not be earning that for much longer.

嗯,我们得教你的工具是多么缠斗就范数据库。Well we've got the tools to teach you just how to wrangle your databases into submission.

当然,这一机制也有出错的时候,从近日艰苦卓绝的债务上限之争就可见一斑。Of course, this can go wrong, as demonstrated by the sadomasochism of the recent debt-ceiling wrangle.

在那纷纷扰扰长达一个世纪之余的喧嚣与吵闹中,印象主义也就此成为了西方艺术史中一个重要的分水岭。During a one-century's quarrel and wrangle period, It has become a profound gap in western's art history.

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在破产法庭上简单争执之后,英国的巴克莱银行收购了雷曼美国的运营部门。After a brief wrangle in the bankruptcy courts, Britain’s Barclays has taken over Lehman’s American operations.

有如此脾气的理性主义者们很少会愿意就他们的信仰模式而发生口角。Reasoners of such a temper were scarcely inclined to wrangle about their respective modes of faith, or of worship.

鹰魔王赶来,问是谁在这里大呼小叫,红孩儿不屑的骂他嘴臭还用三昧真火烧。The devil came to ask who is shout and wrangle here, Haier disdain to scold him with samadhi really fire mouth odor.

基什内尔夫妇自去年在对对农业出口税的问题上引起的激烈争议并失败之后便放松了对权力的掌控。The Kirchners’ grip on power has slackened since they lost an acrimonious wrangle over taxes on farm exports last year.

斯劳将在周四格林威治时间八点公布他的最后决定,这将为长达16个月的有关皮诺切特将军的争论画上一个句号。Mr Straw is due to reveal his final decision at 0800 GMT on Thursday, after a 16-month wrangle over the general's future.

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进入新的世纪,这种国际政治斗争将长期复杂的存在下去。Whenthe world gets into new age, this kind of international wrangle will last long-lastingly, complicatedly and even fiercely.

他希望硕士的经历能争论这样的委托,也能在州局中提升专业性。The master’s experience, he hopes, will wrangle with such questions and “elevate the professionalism” among the police in the state.

阿毛里转会都灵的肥皂剧正在继续上演,因为关于这桩转会仍存在两大问题。The soap-opera that is Amauri's proposed move to Turin continues to wrangle on, as there are two major sticking points in negotiations.

她一见欢喜便惊喜地大呼小叫了起来,然后便在欢喜的追问下问下絮絮说起了这片平房夷为平地的经过。She was glad he surprised to shout and wrangle up, then in the joyful ask ask garrulous speaks of this cottage was razed to the ground by.

不久之后,他就无法容忍别人的异议,并开始与怀疑他一直想要参加明年大选的反对者打起了嘴仗。He soon became intolerant of dissent and began to wrangle with opponents who suspected he had always wanted to run in next year's election.

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这仅仅是几百处废料倾倒坑的其中一处,这些都是旷日持久的厄瓜多尔人与美国活动家和雪佛龙之间争论的焦点。It is one of several hundred such pits that are at the centre of a long-running legal wrangle between Ecuadorean and American activists and Chevron.

手机厂商诺基亚称,面对苹果就两公司之间的纠纷而最新出台的保留条款,诺基亚将“积极维护自己的权益”。Phone maker Nokia has said it will "defend itself vigorously" after Apple launched the latest salvo in an ongoing legal wrangle between the two firms.

中国反复提出与印度的边界纠纷,该争论尚未解决,1962年中国曾短暂占领过阿鲁纳恰邦,现在该地区属于印度。And China keeps giving reminders of its unresolved wrangle with India over what is now the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, which it briefly overran in 1962.