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是一位神祇裁定他们隔绝!A god, a god their severance ruled!

你知道公司给的资遣费有几个月吗?。Do you know how many months severance pay the company offers?

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她的女儿明年春天要同吉米•西佛伦斯结婚了。Her daughter is going to marry Jimmy Severance in the spring.

大概会吧,不过要看资遣费有多少。Probably, although it depends on the size of the severance payment.

如果一个公司计划裁员的话,肯定会有立即生效的遣散计划。When a company plans lay-offs it may have a severance plan in effect.

不过好消息是我们会提供一份优渥的资遣方案给你。The good news is that we're offering you a generous severance package.

由于您因此理由被公司开除,所以不得领取资遣费。There shall be no severance pay since your termination was for just cause.

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如果是这样,在你被开除的时候便会有遣散费。If so, severance payments may be provided if your employment is terminated.

既然他们坚持我必须离开,我会试著要求一个合理的资遣方案。Since they insist that I have to go, I'll try to negotiate a fair severance package.

第一百条共有人可以协商确定分割方式。Article 100 The co-owners may decide on the method for severance through consultation.

现在成了“前老板”的人问我是否可以自己办理自己的辞退手续,因为他不知道怎么做。My now ex-boss asked me if I could process my severance check because he didn't know how.

看看有样的失业保险,健康保险,退休金福利遣散费。Find out about unemployment insurance, health insurance, pension benefits and severance pay.

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如果在试用期内发现创业面临困难,你就可以在不支付辞退金的情况下让员工走人。So that if things don’t work out, you can let him go without paying a big severance package.

在皮克斯时,乔布斯需要裁员时他从不给辞退的员工遣散费。When Steve had to make cutbacks at Pixar, he fired people and didn't give any severance pay.

这个会议是讨论尽可能用最少的离职金合法的开除我。The meeting was about how they could legally fire me while paying as little severance as possible.

最后,本文依据新的标准重新构造了动产与不动产的区分体系。Finally, the author reconstructs the system of the severance of personal property and real property.

荷兰银行协会宣布其成员已同意限定奖金与离职金的金额。The Dutch banking association announced that its members have agreed to cap bonuses and severance pay.

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英国不像美国一样,把早期股票期权作为离职金的一部分。Nor is there any early vesting of share options as part of the severance process, as happens in America.

公司通常需承担被解雇员工的大部分养老金,并一次性支付买断费。Firms typically provide the main pensions of staff they jettison, as well as lump-sum severance packages.

许多失业的美国人还失去了退职抚恤金,其积蓄也即将消耗殆尽。Many out-of-work Americans have lost unemployment and severance benefits and are depleting their savings.