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增加奥术抗性190点。Increases arcane resistance by 190.

这是一场关于关税的神秘争斗。It was an arcane dispute over tariffs.

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秘法不动咒进阶版。持续时间较长。Arcane Bindings it has a longer duration.

奥系提供的是更高的机动性和魔法值。Arcane makes up for that with mobility and mana.

强化奥术飞弹重命名为奥术稳定?。Improved Arcane Missles renamed Arcane Stability.

一名火系法师很少使用奥术吗?Is a fire specced mage useless for arcane spells?

邪术巨人是神秘奥术知识的强大传承者。Eldritch giants are powerful scions of arcane lore.

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泰国各类神秘的节日一向远近闻名,而纹身鉴赏典礼可谓是其中最奇特的。Thailand is notorious for its range of arcane festivals.

一种怪病感染了掌握奥术的精灵。A strange malady infects elves who can cast arcane spells.

秘法智慧和秘法光辉的法力消耗量降低。Arcane Intellect and Arcane Brilliance mana costs reduced.

科瑞隆无阵营奥法,春季,美貌,艺术。Corellon Unaligned Arcane magic, spring, beauty, the arts.

无用的奥术力量总比没有奥术力量要好。Useless arcane power is still preferable to no arcane power.

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在深兽王天赋里加强奥术射击,当然,只有深兽王猎人能碰到这个天赋。Buff Arcane so deep in BM that nobody else will get that talent.

恶魔可以开发物理上的神秘能量以及幻想。Demons can unleash arcane energies in physics as well as fantasy.

现在,我的奥术力量正在聚集,即将令你那些盟友消失于。Even now, my arcane power swells, preparing to consume your allies in.

一群骑乘着飞行魔兽的奥术施法者让乡民们惊恐不安。A gang of arcane spell casters on flying mounts terrorizes the countryside.

没有古怪的序列化函数或转换,只需把数据放在需要它的地方。No arcane serializers or transformations, just the data right where you need it.

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效率将会降低奇美拉射击、瞄准射击与奥术射击的集中值消耗。Efficiency will reduce the Focus cost of Chimera Shot, Aimed Shot, and Arcane Shot.

对国家,教育以及法律的,解开了原先加在其身上的神秘的束缚。Reforms in state administration, education and law have loosened arcane strictures.

所以他才用了这么多玄而又玄的术语,还有这么多一环套一环的从句。That was why he deployed so much arcane terminology, so many loop-de-looping clauses.