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尺八是一种受到普遍赏识的长笛乐器。The shakuhachi is a flute, universally appreciated.

吹奏尺八,可以刺激你的心智,让它保持年轻。Playing the shakuhachi stimulates the mind, keeping it young.

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您好,我的名字叫安东尼奥和我是尺八球员来自西班牙。Hello, my name´s Antonio and I´m a shakuhachi player from Spain.

吹奏尺八,可以增进你处理多重事务的能力。The shakuhachi increases the ability to accomplish multi-tasking.

尺八的声音是美丽的、冥想的、圆润的。The sounds of the shakuhachi are beautiful, meditative and mellow.

尺八是大地之音,它全然以可再生的材质所制作。The shakuhachi is environmentally sound. It is made entirely of renewable resources.

尺八可以相当审美地,娱悦你的视觉、触觉、嗅觉、尤其是听觉。The shakuhachi is aesthetically pleasing to sight, touch, smell, and especially hearing.

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吹奏尺八,可以同时刺激左右脑,启发出创造力。Playing the shakuhachi stimulates both right and left sides of the brain, leads to creativity.

尺八拥有悠久的传统,且不只是在音乐方面而已。它也充满著佛教禅宗的智慧。The shakuhachi tradition is a long one, which is not only musical. It is also steeped in the wisdom of Zen Buddhism.

学习吹奏尺八的最初挑战,有助于发展出一个人的纪律,去达成长期目标和培养毅力。The initial difficulty in playing the shakuhachi helps develop discipline to accomplish long-term goals and patience.

尺八有著非常悠久的传统,它所主导的传统口碑,曾在无数的世代中,被高度评价。The shakuhachi has a tremendously long tradition. As a predominantly oral tradition, it has been highly valued over countless generations.

现存日本古典音乐中,存在一种横跨筝曲、地歌、尺八乐三类的所谓“三曲”或者叫“三曲合奏”的演奏形式。There was a special performance manner that called sankiyouku or sankiyokugasso in Japanese folk music existent, which means ensemble of koto, jiuta and shakuhachi.

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如此一来,将带来相当丰富的音色幅度、微妙的音调与力度变化,此点是其他管乐器所无法匹配的。The performer and the shakuhachi literally become one. The result is a rich range of tone colours, subtle pitch variations and dynamics unmatched by any other wind instrument.

另有一种中国竹笛,称之为箫,是直着吹的。这种笛子流传到了其他的亚洲国家,后来成为了日本的尺八。Another Chinese bamboo flute, called the Xiao, is played vertically. This style of flute was exported to other Asia countries, and later became known as the Shakuhachi in Japan.