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这是历史上最大的反常。This is history's greatest perversion.

马克思把这种扭曲叫作“异化”。Marx called this perversion "alienation."

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这完全是对开源精神的曲解。This is truly a perversion of the open source spirit.

拜物主义是死亡的诱惑,包括规则的死亡在反常行为。Fetishism is the seduction of death, including the death of the rule in perversion.

这是可能想像的最致命和最不合逻辑社会反常。This is the most fatal and most illogical social perversion that can possibly be imagined.

他们要实践爱与怜悯,并依真理与公平,毫无保留地办理政务。They were to act in love and mercy, yet administer truth and justice without any perversion.

很多人攻击这个计划是对自由市场经济的曲解,并和里根模式的自由主义背道而驰。Many attacked it as a perversion of free-market economics and a departure from Reagan-style liberalism.

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对这种教导而响应的头脑,生长了一种扭曲的好奇心并最终转换为曲解。The mind, in response to such teachings, grows a distorted curiosity that finally turns into perversion.

庸懒、华丽、柔软光滑的质感。纱线或许是时髦的、或许是古典的,但都隐含若干程度的倒错、坠落气质。Languorous , luxurious , soft and sleek , the yarns can be smart and classic , but with a hidden edge of perversion.

他们的腐败“宪法”只不过是一个什么样的创始者是很久以前在纸上铺设胃凝结曲解了。Their corrupt "constitution" is nothing more than a stomach-curdling perversion of what our founding fathers laid onto paper so long ago.

除此之外,冯‧韦伯最后一支圆舞曲粗犷旋律的诡异变奏与放肆张扬也深植于我的内心,令我痛苦不已。Among other things, I hold painfully in mind a certain singular perversion and amplification of the wild air of the last waltz of Von Weber.

但至少有一次,他清楚地解释道,他的小说直面极权主义,他认为极权主义是对社会主义的歪曲。He made it clear on at least one occasion that his novel was aimed squarely at totalitarianism, which he considered a perversion of socialism.

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然而最具有讽刺意味的是,这样一种对于世俗主义和启蒙价值的黑白颠倒,正是在启蒙的名义之下进行的,而且在整个欧洲大陆上,没有引起什么好奇和关注。Yet this perversion of secularism and Enlightenment values, in the name, ironically, of Enlightenment, is also not some sort of continental curiosity.

我认为“为了让自己成熟起来”是对四年大学教育的一种曲解,当然这不包括那些对学术真正有兴趣的学生。I regard it as a perversion of a university for students to attend for four years, without each student having a genuine interest in academic programs.

参与这项运动的学生认为,拉马努金的研究背离了传统,尤其是他将史诗早期版本中的各种性指涉给包罗在内。Student activists called Ramanujan's study a perversion of tradition, especially the inclusion of early versions of the tale with numerous sexual references.

至少,我们不妨说,变态狂的被表达,就是沿着跟阉割的绊倒点相反的途径。It is that as a minimum, one might say, along a path that is the inverse of that leading to the stumbling point of castration, that perversion is articulated.

消化性溃疡穿孔和出血的可能,胰腺炎,腹胀,溃疡性食管,食欲不振,腹泻,口味反常。Peptic ulcer with possible perforation and haemorrhage, pancreatitis, abdominal distension, ulcerative oesophagitis, anorexia, taste perversion and diarrhoea.

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如此倒行逆施的后果是什么?真是罄竹难书!尽管如此,我们还是应当满中于指出最触目惊心的部分。What are the consequences of such a perversion? It would require volumes to describe them all. Thus we must content ourselves with pointing out the most striking.

尽管如此,学生家长和起诉人还是在疑问,为什么这种女老师和学生的艳事在这个半岛上会比别的地方更加普遍。But parents and prosecutors alike are nonetheless asking why the female version of pedagogue perversion seems more common on their peninsula compared with other places.

这一事实,加上存在于人类内心的以最少努力满足其需要的致命倾向,解释了对法律的最普遍曲解。This fact, combined with the fatal tendency that exists in the heart of man to satisfy his wants with the least possible effort, explains the almost universal perversion of the law.