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守时乃国王之礼。守事非常重要。Punctuality is the politeness of kings.

他们为你在工作中守时费心吗?Do they bother about punctuality in your job?

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不守时是坏习惯,我们应改掉它。No punctuality is a bad habit. We should get rid of it.

高田先生对衣着和守时要求严格。Mr. Takada is very strict on appearance and punctuality.

准时是优良品格的一个重要成分。Punctuality is an important constituent of good character.

他这个人最可爱和最可恨的一点都是他的守时。The most lovable and hateful thing in him is his punctuality.

他守时的习惯自八岁以来一直没改。His habit of punctuality has not changed since he was eight years old.

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她忿忿地对我说,这就跟被称赞守时一样糟糕。She said bitterly to me that this was as bad as being praised for punctuality.

遵守诺言,守时遵纪,刻苦学习,追求卓越,永不言弃。We solemnly promise, punctuality propriety, study hard, strive for excellence.

准时是文明社会中进行一切社交活动时必须养成的习惯。Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs of a civilized society.

对此,布勒斯表示,奥地利列车正点率还需进一步提高。In this regard, Naples said that Austria needs to further improve train punctuality.

此外,就像托马斯·哈利伯顿所说,“守时是商业的灵魂。”Furthermore, just as ThomasC. Haliburton said, "Punctuality is the soul of business."

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因此,守时非常关键。一旦你真的意识到这一点,那么做好事情就变得非常容易。So, punctuality matters. A lot. And once you realize that, it's an easy thing to get right.

本论文即从成本、准时两个要点出发,对TFT-LCD模块制程中的检测制程进行优化。It'll optimize the test process in the making of TFT-LCD in terms of cost and punctuality in thi.

秉承了公司一贯经营宗旨,质佳,价平诚信、守时赢得客户。Uphold the company's business objectives, good quality, price-honesty, punctuality win customers.

运营良好的组织将同时很可能提供良好的准时记录。A well-run organisation will also, in all likelihood, give a good account on the punctuality front.

据我所知,在中外合资企业工作需要上班准时责任心强。As far as I know, working in a Sino-foreign joint venture calls for punctuality and responsibility.

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他睡在中队里的每个晚上,恶梦总象日月星辰运转那样准时地找上他来。The nightmares appeared to him with celestial punctuality every single night he spent in the squadron.

我们必须通过礼貌,穿着,守时和知识表现出外在职业形象。We must project an image of outmost professionalism in our manners, dressing, punctuality and knowledge.

不同的列车运行图在实际应用中其正点率不同。Different travelling graphs of trains have different proportions of punctuality in the practical application.