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是否要过度溺爱小孩!Does it pay to overindulge children.

是否应该溺爱孩子?Does it pay to overindulge children?

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不要过度放纵在家里的安逸中。Don’t overindulge in the comforts of home.

骄奢淫逸时,我想起过去的饥寒。If I overindulge I will think of past hungers.

如果我过度放纵,我将想起过去的饥饿。If I overindulge I will think of past hungers.

力不从心时,我回想过去的完成。If I overindulge I be to imagine of past hungers.

情绪低落的时候,她们就疯狂地猛吃巧克力和糖果。When depressed, they dramatically overindulge in chocolate and sweets.

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一个是我吃太多巧克力、面料等,是我当名妓购物。One is that I eat too much chocolate, and the other is that I overindulge when fabric shopping.

当参加这些派对的时候,我们就会过度沉迷于喝酒、狂欢、消费和暴饮暴食等诸如此类的事情。As we attend each party, we overindulge in things like drinking, merriment, spending, and eating.

如果你为一顿大餐等太长时间,你会有可能在吃的时候放纵自己而多吃一些。If you wait too long for a large meal, you'll be starving and tempted to overindulge by the time you eat.

很多人宁愿放纵自己,关注健康也仅仅是为了那些其实无关痛痒的事情。Many would rather overindulge and turn an eye on health all in favor of things that frankly aren't as important.

我将不再沉溺于肉体的需求,相反的我要用清洁和洁净来珍惜自己。Never will I overindulge the requests of my flesh, rather I will cherish my body with cleanliness and lustration.

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如果有人请你去吃午饭或下班后去喝酒,不要酗酒,不要“口无遮拦”。If you're invited out to lunch or an after-work drink, don't overindulge in alcohol and don't be an "over-sharer."

我绝不放纵肉体的需求,我要用清洁与节制来珍惜我的身体。Never will I overindulge the requests of my flesh, rather I will cherish my body with cleanliness and moderation.

它可以让你尝试你想吃的东西同时又可以帮你避免诱惑而暴食。It allows you to sample something that you really want to have while also helping you avoid the temptation to overindulge.

一旦你开始了跑步的习惯,"增肥"食物和高卡路里食物会引诱你用他们来犒劳你的辛勤劳动。Once you start a running routine, you may also be tempted to overindulge in fattening or high-calorie foods as a result of your hard work.

如果你过量使用这种补充剂的话,你可能将会面对呼吸功能下降、高烧、肾脏问题和皮肤病。If you overindulge in this supplement, you may also face diminished respiratory function, high fever, kidney problems, and lupus-like symptoms.

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参加社会活动、文化活动或娱乐活动,对你是非常有利的。你感觉很好,也玩得很开心。有可能在食物或其他东西上放纵自己。Social events, cultural activities, and entertainment are highly favored. You feel good and can enjoy yourself. There's a tendency to overindulge in food or other comforts.

麦当劳、肯德基和汉堡王的代表食品每一口的卡路里含量都比普通的西餐高出65%,让消费者们很容易就在不知不觉中摄入了过多的卡路里。Typical menus at McDonald's, KFC and Burger King contain 65 per cent more calories per bite than standard British meals, making it far too easy ffor customers to overindulge without realising it.