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他高高兴兴地上学去了。He cheerfully went off to school.

爱挑的担子,就愉快轻松。The burden on likes is cheerfully borne.

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一只鹿好奇而又欢快地出现在这里。A deer appeared curiously and cheerfully here.

带着欢笑拥向天边。Crowding cheerfully toward the horizon of the sky.

倘君指挥有方,人人欣然听命。If you command wisely, youll be obeyed cheerfully.

“那就都别做吧,”大师高高兴兴地说。"Then give it all up", said the Master cheerfully.

指挥有方,人人乐从。If you command wisely, you'll be obeyed cheerfully.

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“姑娘,准备走吧?”柴斯特姨夫欢快地说。"Ready to go, girl?" Uncle Chester said cheerfully.

因此她也就欣然接受家里她自己扮演的这个角色了。So she cheerfully accepted her role in the household.

指挥有方则人人乐从。If you command wisely, youwoulll be obeyed cheerfully.

施与别人尽可能多的东西,并要欣然而为之。Give people more than they expect ahd do it cheerfully.

给予别人多于他们所希望的,并乐衷于此。Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

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他也是一位苹果产品的爱好者,所以非常愉快地就让我过来了。He is an Apple-lover too, and he sent me off cheerfully.

这次,她看到祖母笑吟吟地向她走来。This time, she saw my grandmother cheerfully toward her.

“这是以前麻风病造成的,”他高兴的说。"This is a sign of advanced leprosy, " he says cheerfully.

监考人把我带到指定的电脑钱。The exam proctor cheerfully led me to my assigned computer.

我们会找到些吃的。第二个流浪者高兴地说。We'll find something, the second tromp answered cheerfully.

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阿姨们跟张阿姨打趣,张阿姨乐呵呵擦汗。Zhang aunt aunt who told jokes, Zhang aunt cheerfully wipe.

“我觉得今天的会面不错。”泰纳恩兴高采列地说。I think this wasn't a bad session. " Tynan said cheerfully."

把孩子放到路上的雨水坑里,看看他高兴地四处溅水就知道了。Put a kid in a puddle and watch him cheerfully splash around.