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让我举出更多的证据。Let me adduce more evidence.

我能够提议休息一下,喝杯咖啡吗?。May I adduce that we break for coffee now?

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我可以提议劳动一上,喝杯咖啡吗?May I adduce that we breach for coffee now?

在此列举出网游中的头五大忌。A 5 big fear in listing adduce net to swim here.

关于这个问题,我想引述当代的一个例子。I wish on this subject to adduce a modern example.

我们须要的每个项目你都能报价吗。Were you able to adduce on all the items we need ?

你是否能举出任何理由来说明他的奇特行为?Can you adduce any reason for His strange behavior?

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同时引入“接受理论”进行深层的思考。Meanwhile, I adduce the accepting theory and think deeply.

是否打算提出专家证据?C1. Do you intend to adduce evidence from expert witnesses?

他引用另一个例子来阐述自己的观点。You must adduce a lot of examples to support your argument.

谷歌举出的这个发明叫“河马水滚筒”。This invention of cereal song adduce cries " hippo water platen ".

你必须引用许多例证来证明你的观点。When you adduce evidence of this nature, you must be sure of your sources.

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我还可以引用其他论据证明莎士比亚为原作者。There are other arguments I might adduce to vindicate Shakespeare's authorship.

而他举出的另一名网友拿到的签名,是新版本的。And the sign one's name that another netizen of his adduce takes, be new version.

我们能列举出历年来一连串关于它们的噩耗。We can list adduce past years to come a chain of the sad news of the death about them.

得悉你方报的都是到岸价,希望能给我们报船上交货价。I accept all your prices are on CIF base. We'd rather accept you adduce us FOB amounts.

判定一个国家对某一领土拥有主权,必然要在法律上取得证据。It is necessary to adduce legal evidence to judge whether a state has sovereignty over a territory.

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此外,网友也举出了各自理由来表达自己对这条消息的质疑。In addition, netizen also adduce him expression of respective manage origin is right the doubt of this message.

最后举出实例说明了采购管理在生产企业中的重要作用。Adduce example important effect in having explained that purchasing management is in manufacturing enterprises finally.

举出实际的例子,让别人参与你改善的过程,你会得到更大的鼓舞和勇气。Adduce a concrete instance , let others participate in the process that you improve, you are able to get bigger stimulating and courage.