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神奇的数字是6.3万亿电子伏。The magic number is 6.3 quadrillion electron-volts.

该地区的天然气储量可能达2千万亿立方英尺。The region may hold 2 quadrillion cubic feet of natural gas.

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世界经济增长十倍就将成为千万亿美元经济。A world economy ten times larger will be a quadrillion dollar economy.

如果将价值1千万亿英镑的一英镑硬币排成一线,那可以从地球的这连到太阳系之外的那了。Line up a quadrillion pound coins, and they will take you outside our solar system.

这台美洲豹超级计算机能达到每秒计算23万亿次。The Jaguar supercomputer can process up to 2.3 quadrillion calculations per second.

当然,人类的由100亿个细胞形成了1万亿个连接的大脑是惊人复杂的。Of course, the human brain, with its 100 billion cells forging 1 quadrillion connections, is breathtakingly complex.

它的运算速度大于每秒钟100万亿次,大约比传统意义上的个人电脑快55000倍。At more than 1 quadrillion mathematical calculations per second, it is about 55, 000 times faster than your typical PC.

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这概率相当于是一比一千的八次方,也就是说一万亿年才有一次的机会。The odds of this has been calculated at one in eighteen septillion and luck like this could only come once every quadrillion years.

到了1995年1月,两年内物价上涨了百分之千万亿,结果是德国马克成为了这个国家的法定货币。By January 1995, prices had increased a quadrillion percent in two years, and as a result the German Mark became the country’s Fiat currency.

卜钟每秒钟只振动几百次,频率暂且在人类听觉范围,而铝离子每秒钟振动1.1千万亿次。Bu a bell vibrates a mere few hundred times a second, in the range of human hearing, the aluminum ion vibrates at 1.1 quadrillion times a second.

例如,科学家估计人类大脑的视觉皮质运行速度大约为1千万亿次的数学运算——每秒钟进行1千万亿次的数学浮点运算。For instance, the visual cortex of the human brain is estimated to operate at roughly one petaflop — one quadrillion floating point operations per second.

10月,一台每秒进行2570万亿次运算的超级计算机赢得了世界最快计算机的称号。In October, a supercomputer performed 2.57 petaflops--that is, 2.57 quadrillion calculations per second--to seize the title of fastest computer in the world.

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虽然它看起来不像是最神奇的绿色发明,但是这种对普通空调再改造的设计确实可以帮助一年内减少上千亿单位的热量,而这仅仅只是在美国所估计的数量。Though it may not seem like the most glamorously green invention, this redesign of the common air conditioner could save a quadrillion BTUs a year in the United States alone.

这个巨大的机器,由6000个Intel的处理器和5000个ATI的图形加速器组成,重达155吨,可以每秒执行超过1千万亿运算。The giant machine, made from 6, 000 Intel processors and 5, 000 ATI graphic accelerator chips and weighing 155 tonnes, can carry out more than one quadrillion calculations per second, or a petaflop.