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它们也能提高机敏性和精力。They also increase alertness and energy.

警觉性消退,心情平伏。Your alertness fades, and your mood dips.

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那种警觉的状态会形成某种进化感。It made some evolutionary sense, that state of alertness.

所以首先我来,测测各位的机警性。And so the first thing I want to do is to test your alertness.

白天小睡后感觉精神更饱满一些,所以在白天我也会觉得更充沛一些。Overall I feel more energy and alertness during daylight hours.

研究表明薰衣草香味会提高人的警惕性。Research has shown that the lavender scent increases alertness.

莫斯说更为健康的早餐几乎可以肯定是有助于上课时的机敏程度的。Moss said the healthier breakfast probably aided classtime alertness.

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你会感到充分休息情绪和敏锐度提高。You will feel rested and you’ll notice your mood and alertness improve.

他们必须发展机敏。自我中心会使内在迟钝。They must develop alertness. Self centredness makes for dullness inside.

趁着洗照片的功夫,下面才是真正测试你们机警性的时候了。While the picture is developing I'm now going to test your real alertness.

你可能会进入高度警戒,并且在即将到来的很长时间内保持清醒。You may experience high alertness and stay awake for long periods of time.

当睡眠压力增加时,视交叉上核会发送信号以提高警觉性。This area sends signals to boost alertness as the pressure to sleep mounts.

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通过激活中央神经系统,咖啡因能提高唤醒度和机敏度。By activating the central nervous system, caffeine boosts arousal and alertness.

大多数人每天有两次警醒高峰,上午9点和晚上9点左右。Most people have two peak times of alertness daily, at about 9 a. m. and 9 p. m.

罗登布希博士的结论是,巧克力中的兴奋剂提升了大脑的灵活度。Raudenbush concluded that the stimulants in chocolate increased mental alertness.

莫斯说学生在课堂上机敏程度的改善弥补了损失的教学时间。Moss said improvements in student alertness made up for that lost instruction time.

中国教育部周四也发出紧急通知,呼吁提高警戒。Chinese Education Department also made an urgent announcement, appeal people to raise alertness.

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它也与增强记忆力的持久性和回忆能力,以及提高机敏性有关。It has also been linked with increasing memory retention and recall as well as improving alertness.

他们还可能包含能源成分,如咖啡因或牛磺酸以提高警觉性。They may also contain 'energy enhancing'ingredients such as caffeine or turbine to boost alertness.

脑电图显示,作为两阶段睡眠者的我们,每天确实有两段时间会警觉性下降-分别是晚上和中午。EEGs show that we are biphasic sleepers with two alertness dips — one at night time and one mid-day.