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所以效率等于q1加q2除以。q1 So sufficiency is q1 plus q2 over q1.

追求富足和自我满足真的冲突?Do abundance and sufficiency really have to clash?

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利用ODC来评估设计和代码的充分性Using ODC to evaluate design sufficiency and code sufficiency

评价风险管理的充分性和有效性。Appraises the sufficiency and validity of the risk management.

这只船的存粮足够维持两个月的航行。The ship had a sufficiency of provisions for a voyage of two months.

在这样的时候,这种力和自足的感觉就会象潮水一般涌出来。It comes as with a vast surge, this feeling of strength and sufficiency.

关于证据充分性的法律规定也会影响医生证词。Legal rules on the sufficiency of proof will also shape the physician's testi¬ mony.

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本文表明,市民社会自给自足这一普遍深入人心的神话根本没有事实基础。The so- called self- sufficiency of civil society is a myth that never has a foundation.

单纯提高透析充分性并不能明显改善营养状态。Only elevating the dialysis sufficiency can not improve the nutritional status obviously.

获得充足的多种营养食物是一项基本的健康决定因素。Access to a sufficiency of a nutritious variety of food is a fundamental determinant of health.

针对证实的逻辑缺陷,证伪主义提出新的答案。Focusing on the lack of logical sufficiency of verification, Falsificationism provides a new answer.

本文采用删除法,探讨影响名词谓语句自足的语言形式。This article focuses on the language forms influencing self sufficiency of noun predicated sentences.

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小麦品种远丰898表现在钾胁迫时生物产量很高而在钾充足时也有较大的潜力。Yuanfeng898 has the higher weight of biomass irrespective of potassium stress and potassium sufficiency.

在底特律,给人最多有关城市家园和城市自给自足启示的案例之一就是通往幸福的小径。One of the most inspirational examples of urban homesteading and self sufficiency in the city is Path to Freedom.

承运人没有查究上述资料或文件的正确性或足够程度的义务。The carrier is under no obligation to enquire into the correctness or sufficiency of such information or documents.

只有肝的功能正常,胆汁的分泌、储藏和排泄才能正常。Whether the function of the urinary bladder is normal or not depends on the sufficiency or deficiency of kidney-qi.

住宅的基底是一个透明的非常有逻辑的布局,同时还有充足的储藏空间。At the basis is a transparent, logical layout, with a sufficiency of storage areas in its contemporarily economical spatial concept.

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粮食及农业组织认为其中一个方法,解决现今粮荒问题,是激励小家庭经营农场和自给。The FAO believes one of the solutions to reverse the current food shortages is to boost small family run farms and self sufficiency.

认证的内容为证据的客观性、合法性、关联性、充分性以及证据所证明的待证事实。The content of authentication is the objectiveness. legality, relevance and sufficiency of proofs as well as the facts to be proved.

因此,我们必须充分合理利用城市地下空间资源,建设立体化发展的生态城市。Therefore, the space of city should be utilized in sufficiency and in reason to realize the development of three-dimension and ecology city.