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悬岸是非常、非常徒的斜面。A precipice is a very, very steep declivity.

他是从十二尺或十五尺高的地方滚下来的。He had rolled down a declivity of twelve or fifteen feet.

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她又恢复了她的矜持冷淡,坐在那儿不再搭话,他们就这样一直走到另一个山坡的顶上。Recovering her reserve she sat without replying, and thus they reached the summit of another declivity.

徒步旅行者们小心的走上通往小河的有些陡峭,多石的斜坡。The hikers cautiously made their way down the somewhat steep and rocky declivity that led to the river.

在大西洋盆地的山坡地区,分布着许多由北普拉特河分出来的支流小河。On the declivity of the Atlantic basin the first streams, branches of the North Platte River, already appeared.

在大西洋盆地的山坡地区,分布著许多由北普拉特河分出来的支流小河。On the declivity of the atlantic basin the first streams, branches of the north platte river, already appeared.

桥梁定义为跨越河流、山谷等障碍物并被用来作为行人、汽车或列车的通道的结构物。A bridge is defined as the structure that surmounts an obstacle, such as a river or declivity and is used as a passageway for pedestrian, motor or rail traffic.

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弗兰兹和伯爵也顺着这条小径向前走去,走了约一百步,他们就到了一片通到一个小谷底去的斜坡上。Franz and the count in their turn then advanced along the same path, which, at the distance of a hundred paces, led them over a declivity to the bottom of a small valley.

设计最终呈现出一个简单易懂的项目,并将工作室包含在公园之中,光滑线条与公园倾斜的地面相连。We opted for a simple and easily understandable project and decided to include workshops at the park with smooth lines which are connected to the park floor with their declivity.

沿盆地长轴方向,在坡降缓、斜坡长的古地形等条件下,源远流长地巨大的定向曲流河携带大量的泥沙进入湖盆,在河湖作用过渡带形成曲流河三角洲沉积体。The immense oriented meandering river, along the long axis of the depression and with the gentle declivity and long slope, carried a large amount of mud and sand into the lake basin.

针对桩位偏移、桩孔倾斜、塌孔等旋挖钻孔混凝土灌注桩常见的质量问题,就其产生的原因进行了分析,并提出相应的预防措施和处理办法。According to common problems on spiral excavation drilled-pouring pile, including deviation of pile, declivity of hole, slumped hole, it analyzes reasons and puts forward relative prevention measures.