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伊瓜苏瀑布是美洲大陆上最宽的瀑布。Iguazu is the widest waterfall on the American continent.

这条河在离村子二公里处最宽。The river is widest two kilometers away from the village.

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中国最宽的瀑布——诺日朗瀑布就在那里。Nuorilang Waterfall, the widest in China, is located there.

你的意思是获得最大的观众群还是投入最少,还是其他的意思?Do you mean reach the widest audience, or cost the least, or what?

NIHSS评定的神经功能缺损范围最大。The range of neurological defect as NIHSS evaluate was the widest.

最宽处在酒泉市与柴达木盆地之间,达300千米。Widest point in Jiuquan City and between the Qaidam Basin, 300 km.

最宽处在酒泉与柴达木盆地之间,达300公里。Widest point in between Jiuquan and the Qaidam Basin, up to 300 km.

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它在最细微的地方下功夫,而展开了最宽广的远景。It works in the minutest crannies and it opens out the widest vistas.

使用最广,可用于人、动物和事物。Oldbhas the widest use and can be applied to people, animals and things.

高士集团已在全球范围建立了其供应链网络。Coats group has established its widest global supply network in the world.

介绍了国外目前使用最广泛的几种类型的铺管船。This paper introduces some types of pipe laying barges widest used worldwide.

结构或联合的成员是根据最宽的成员进行对齐的。The members of the structure or union are aligned based on their widest member.

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从这四个方面的约定性上,可以将“新乐府”一称由最广至最狭划分为四个层次。Accordingly, New Yuefu can be divided to four levels from the narrow to the widest.

他们对神舟5号成功的宇宙飞行做了尽可能广泛的报道。They gave the widest possible exposure to the successful space-flight of Shenzhou 5.

操作简单,有最大的幅宽和最短的设置时间,这都是它的关键指标。Easy operation, widest range of application and shortest setting times are key factors.

略呈冠状,柔和的楔形,耳朵间具有最大宽度。Skull is slightly crowned and softly wedge-shaped, with widest breadth between the ears.

在这些新兴的理论中,最引人注目的组织形式是自我管理团队。Among all these theories the concept of self-managed Team attracted the widest attention.

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简单的一句话,却道尽责任最广博的含义。Regardless of its briefness, the explanation captures the widest essence of responsibility.

预计本年度后半期世界原油需求将大于供应,其差额为2007年来之最。World oil demand is expected to outpace supplies later this year by the widest margin since 2007.

二元论在其最广泛的意义似乎是一种固有的,根深蒂固的趋势伊朗铭记。Dualism in its widest sense seems to be an inherent and ineradicable tendency of the Iranian mind.