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想想地球上正在进化的。Consider what’s evolving on earth.

达尔文的生命进化之树也处在进化之中。Darwin's tree of life is evolving.

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性科学仍然在发展中。The science of sex is still evolving.

新景观-衡量标准正在发展演变中。New site-scale standards are evolving.

但我觉得,我对它的看法在逐渐改变。but I think my thoughts on it are evolving.

花园蜗牛新陈代谢进化缓慢…Garden snails are evolving slower metabolisms.

这门语言从诞生之日起一直在发展。The language has been evolving from the start.

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中国的初期黄金市场仍在发展中。China's fledgling gold market is still evolving.

那时对于君主制会有变化的态度。Then there are the evolving attitudes to monarchy.

这是一项不断向前发展的事业。And this is an evolving project, a work in progress.

进一步改良酒庄风格也是吉奥夫若的决定。Evolving the style of DP is also his decision, he says.

现代性是多义、流动和不断进化的。Modernity is multi-meaningful, liquid-like and evolving.

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我假设就是相同的进化中的人格。And I stipulated that it is the same evolving personality.

可是,这个行业时时刻刻都在演变不息。But it's an industry evolving on a minute-by-minute basis.

管理电子邮件交流的法律还有待完善。The law governing e-mail communications is still evolving.

更为重要的是,技术元素每天都在飞快地进化。Most importantly, the technium is evolving faster every day.

她在技巧和运笔上都有所进步。She is evolving with technique and her handling of the brush.

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他们指的是同样的缓慢进化完善的,做个类比。They mean rather the same slowly evolving Here is an analogy.

其中北宋杂剧的演变最具有典型意义。Among them, the evolving of North-song Zaju is a typical case.

因为这些信息服务涉及对信息智能分类管理。That's because the services are evolving toward smart sorting.