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是一个非常有名的爆炸物,RDX,is,a,famous,explosive,我相信你们知道。RDX as I'm sure you know.

对一种改性的RDX炸药进行了热烤实验。The Cook-off test of RDX explosive was carried out.

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提出一种直接制备超细黑索今的新方法。A new method for the direct preparation of ultra fine RDX crystals was proposed.

试验并分析了这三种黑索今的机械性能。The mechanical performances of these three RDX crystals were tested and analyzed.

研究了一种采用仪器直接测定梯-黑炸药中黑索今的方法。To study a method of directly determining RDX in TNT-RDX explosive by instrument.

实际上你会得到完全相同的结果,如果你用RDX做实验。And in fact, that's exactly what you see when you take RDX and do that experiment.

我国RDX的生产得率较低,成本较高,影响了其在军事领域的广泛应用。The yield of RDX in our country is lower, it influence the widely using in military fields.

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人们一般在RDX的熔点处测量,所以我们实际上在观察RDX的升华。They do it close to the melting point, so you're actually looking at the sublimation of RDX.

TNT和RDX废水都是毒性有机物,对人体和动植物均有严重危害。Both TNT and RDX wastewaters contain toxic organics, being great harm to human, animals and plants.

用布氏压力计研究不同溶剂对溶液中RDX热分解的影响。Effect of different solvents on thermal decomposition of RDX was studied by using special Bourdon manometer.

含铝RDX炸药作为非理想炸药,其爆炸输出特性与钝化RDX理想炸药有一定不同。Aluminized RDX is nonideal explosive, The explosion energy output of aluminized RDX is differ from that of RDX.

与不加表面活性剂的包覆球作了比较,分析了表面活性剂的作用机理和包覆球的粒度分布特征。The action mechanism of surfactant and characteristics of particle size distribution of coated RDX were analyzed.

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在原工艺条件下,本文研究了加入添加剂对RDX得率的影响。Based on the old conditions of technology, this paper studies the influence of adding additives on the yield of RDX.

以乌洛托品、脲为原料,以硝酸五氧化二磷作为硝化剂制备了RDX酮。The RDX ketone is synthesized from urotropine and urea, using nitric acide and phosphorus pentoxide as nitrating agent.

含CL-20的发射药比含RDX的发射药能量有所提高,而感度与之相当。The gun propellants containing CL-20 showed higher energy and the same sensitivity compared with the RDX gun propellants.

本文针对不同晶体形貌的超细RDX的制备技术及其部分性能进行了研究。In this paper, The preparation techniques and partial performances of different crystal shapes' ultra fine RDX was studied.

目的讨论RDX粒度对塑性炸药包覆及感度性能的影响。Aim The influence of RDX particle size in plastic explosives on the effect of coating and mechanical sensitivity is studied.

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利用这套实验装置系统,对铝粉和黑索金粉尘的爆炸特性进行了实验研究。The characteristics of dust explosion of aluminum dust and RDX dust were studied experimentally by using this experimental system.

你可以得到这个量,同时还有一台足够灵敏的探测器,这台探测器能够探测出RDX分子,室温下在蒸汽里面的。You've gotta have, and the machine which basically is sensitive enough to detect molecules of RDX that are in vapor at room temperature.

结果表明,丙酮重结晶工艺能够满足不同粒度级别RDX的生产。The results indicate that the recrystallization process of RDX from acetone is satisfied for the produce of RDX with different grain size.