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他很快就要离开北安普敦郡,就连这点小小的委屈也不会常要你来承受。He leaves Northamptonshire so soon, that even this slight sacrifice cannot be often demanded.

在牛津郡和北安普敦郡,车队所需的一切都应有尽有。Almost everything a racing team needs can be found without leaving Oxfordshire or Northamptonshire.

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27岁,和她的丈夫Mike一起居住在北安普敦郡,是一名获奖美容博主。Fleur de Force, 27, is an award-winning beauty blogger who lives in Northamptonshire with her husband Mike.

10月10日,第46届世界板栗锦标赛在英国北安普敦郡举行。The 46th World Conker Championships was held in Northamptonshire October 10. More than 1, 000 people turned up for the event.

据报导夫妇俩在墓前敬献花卉时神情忧伤,墓地位于北安普敦郡阿尔索普地14,000英亩的小岛上。The couple were reportedly sombre as they laid flowers at the island tomb on the 14,000-acre Althorp Estate in Northamptonshire.

据报导夫妇俩在墓前敬献花卉时神情忧伤,墓地位于北安普敦郡阿尔索普地14,000英亩的小岛上。The couple were reportedly sombre as they laid flowers at the island tomb on the 14,000-acre Althorp Estate in Northamptonshire.

罗伯特·卡特斯比,一位熟稔阴谋和奸计、声名狼藉的北安普顿郡天主教徒,觉得现在恰逢其时来捍卫他的宗教信仰。Being no stranger to plots and intrigue, Robert Catesby, a notorious Northamptonshire catholic, now felt the time was right to strike a blow for his religion.

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布朗表示,他目前的首要目标是找到一个买主,使本田车队得以幸存,这将使他能够尽可能多地保留那些在北安普敦郡基地的工作人员。Brawn says his number one priority now is to work to keep the team alive by finding a buyer that would secure as many jobs as he can at the Northamptonshire base.

阿放射虫,一类浮游动物,被认为是在北安普敦郡的雷蒙德在北安普顿自然,英国史学会作出这个图片放大斯洛斯250x。A radiolarian, a type of zooplankton, is seen magnified 250x in this image made by Raymond Sloss of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society in Northampton, UK.

北安普顿自耕农团再一次向前扩大战果,但是却陷入了佩普的豹式坦克和更多的III型突击炮的埋伏阵地。The Northamptonshire Yeomanry was now launched forward again to exploit this success, only to run into Peiper's Panthers and more StuG IIIs in hull-down firing positions.

环境局的官员昨天早晨到达现场,对于污染物可能会北安普敦郡凯特灵附近穿流而过的小溪表示担忧。Officers from the Environment Agency were on the scene yesterday morning amid fears the pollution may have affected a stream which runs through the site, near Kettering, in Northamptonshire.

范妮话很少,只是偶尔对这句话那句话表示同意,听到恭维丝毫没有流露出感激之情,听他夸奖北安普敦郡也不去随声附和。She said little, assented only here and there, and betrayed no inclination either of appropriating any part of the compliment to herself, or of strengthening his views in favour of Northamptonshire.