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它使用高级无铅汽油。It use premium unleaded gas.

欢迎高级奥特莱斯?。Welcome to the Premium Outlets?

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我给你加优质无铅汽油。I will give you premium unleaded.

万得妙是优质的天然牛奶。Wondermilk is premium fresh milk.

高级全粒面皮革表带。Premium full grain leather straps.

这就是所谓的股票溢价现象。This is called the equity premium.

生态效率保险费的难题The Eco-Efficiency Premium Puzzle !

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这些债券以低价卖出。These Bonds were sold at a premium.

取消收费的电影频道?Cancelled that premium movie channel?

两个进来在黑色的优质皮革。Both come in premium leathers in black.

在这个建筑物里场地面积十分昂贵。Space is at a premium in this building.

我方认为保费应该由你方来付。We think the premium is for your account.

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甲环亚硝脲的中间体。A Plaza Premium intermediate urea nitrate.

杯光酒影掩映下的花红酒绿。The light wine reflects the premium happy.

模拟城市4的优质版本现已上市!Sim City 4 Premium Edition is available now!

你永远也不会再对经济舱嗤之以鼻。You'll never sneer at Premium Economy again.

我怎样才能申办万事达卡白金卡呢?How can I apply for a premium MasterCard card?

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超过260多种C4D三维模型来帮助您设计。Over 260 premium C4D models to help you design.

保单签发后不可申请退还保费。Premium is non-refundable upon policy issuance.

奖金制提供了强大的刺激。The premium system provides a strong motivation.