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这是莎文娜。This is Savannah.

只对萨凡纳警方说过。Just the Savannah police.

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四个受害者,一件发生在亚特兰大,三件在萨凡纳。One in Atlanta, threein Savannah.

你在萨凡纳发生发生的事。What happened to you in Savannah?

萨文喜欢做陶器。Savannah enjoys making ceramic pottery.

弗林特也是那种人,而他在萨凡那酗酒死了。Flint was, and he died of rum at Savannah.

还记得我们叫作大草原和斯维特拉娜?。Remember when we were Savannah and Svetlana?

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柯瑟琳皱了皱眉,“可我是在萨凡纳被袭击的。”Catherine frowned. "But I was attacked in Savannah."

萨瓦那市里的每一间旅馆都住满了可能的买家。Every hotel in Savannah was filled with potential buyers.

你有一些波特兰、安纳波利斯、沙凡那港市和圣达菲的朋友?Have friends from Portland, Annapolis, Savannah or Santa Fe?

无论她做的怎样,萨瓦纳总是可以完美的通过。No matter what she does, Savannah always comes shinning through.

这群人就在热带草原的树荫下休息。The group rested on the hot savannah under the shade of the tree.

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稀树大草原图片。更大的美洲鸵鸟吃草在巴西的潘塔纳尔高草大草原。Greater rheas graze in the tall savannah grass of Brazil's Pantanal.

月亮图片集。印度豹利用月亮的光线去寻找纳米比亚大草原为了捕捉猎物。A cheetah uses the light of a full moon to scan the Namibian savannah for prey.

阿雷陀的仆人芬娜千辛万苦去找梅林要给他预言。LeiTuos servant savannah untold hardships to find merlin to give him a prophecy.

岛屿上干燥的草原性气候被原始的白沙海滩加重。The island's dry savannah climate is punctuated by pristine, white sand beaches.

奥古斯塔美国佐治亚州东部一城市,位于南卡罗来纳州边境,萨凡纳西北偏北。A city of eastern Georgia on the South Carolina border north-northwest of Savannah.

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但是并没有一个狮子委员会坐下来决定是否将非洲热带草原作为家乡。But no committee of lions sat down and decided that the African savannah would be home.

但后来,这片土地干涸殆尽,昔日青翠的大草原变为茫茫荒漠。But then the Sahara dried out, turning from a green savannah into an inhospitable desert.

非洲热带稀树大草原中心地带坐落着一座“城市”,堪称是符合可持续发展理念的典范。IN THE heart of Africa's savannah lies a city that is a model of sustainable development.