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一个漂亮的炻器系列看起来总是震撼人心的。A beautiful stoneware range which will always look sensational.

浴室里的浮雕瓷砖看起来很昂贵。The relief porcelain stoneware in the bathroom looks expensive.

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因为石陶器是致密的,所以上釉只是为了装饰。Because stoneware is nonporous, glaze is applied only for decoration.

墓中出土随葬品有陶器、铜器、铁器和石器等。The pottery, bronzes, ironware and stoneware were excavated in the tombs.

当加热到炻瓷温度后,他们可以保存几千年。When fired to stoneware temperatures, they could last thousands of years.

在高温下烧制瓷器以至其成玻璃状,变硬。Stoneware is fired at a high temperature to cause it to vitrify and harden.

虽然石器身体是灰色的,原来在发射时,红色饼干。Although the stoneware body is grey, it turns reddish when fired in the biscuit.

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他们可以做的瓷器,陶器,石器和或通常平原色。They can be made of porcelain, earthenware, or stoneware and are usually plain colored.

粗瓷盏里未见得就是白开水,很可能闷的是一盏极品龙井。It is not always the boiled water in the stoneware cup. Maybe the Longjing tea is in it.

仰韶文化陶器上蒙面人纹饰表达的应当是一种神秘主义的主题。The veiled man engraved on stoneware of Yangshao Culture expressed mysticism as a theme.

生产出了釉面光亮、热稳定性好的资投釉炻器产品。The stoneware products with bright glaze surface and high thermal stability were produced.

我们的专家在这里教你如何免费视频这个季节炻器餐具烹饪。Our expert is here to teach you how to season stoneware in this free video on cooking utensils.

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用直埋式缸瓦管作为送风风道,可有效解决上述诸问题。The above-mentioned problems can be solved by using direct buried stoneware pipes as wind pipes.

适用于各种材料的地板,如PVC,油毡,聚氨脂,石类等地板。Apply to all types of floor, such as PVC, linoleum, polyurethane, vinyl-asbestos, stoneware and etc.

石器是指以岩石为原料制作的器物,它是人类最初的主要生产工具,盛行于人类历史的初期阶段。Stoneware made from rocks. It is man's first major production tools, prevalent in human history early stage.

手工盘绕的炻瓷碗记录了它们被制造的那一刻和之后经历的时间。Handy coiled stoneware bowls cherish traces of the moment when they were formed and the times they have been through.

手工盘绕的炻瓷碗记录了它们被制造的那一刻和之后经历的时间。Handy coiled stoneware bowls cherish traces of the moment when they were formed and the times they have been through. — Eunjae Lee

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在北京,最具特色的街头小食品便是放在陶瓷罐里、用亚麻布盖上的酪奶。In Beijing, the most stylish street snacks were these little stoneware pots of traditional yogurt covered with a sort of protective linen.

我还制作了一件抽象的炻器雕塑。我想做出柔和的有机体外形,线条优美简洁并有着极简约的抽象主义表达形式。I also made abstract sculptures in stoneware clay, I wanted to make soft organic shapes, but with pure soft lines and a minimalist expression.

中国人、朝鲜人、暹罗人和日本人的石陶器,加釉,其色调有各种绿、橄榄色、青和灰。Korean, Siamese, and Japanese stoneware decorated with glazes the colour range of which includes greens of various shades, olive , blue, and gray.