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一代更比一代强。Each generation surpasses the preceding one.

上面所述的要点都是具有连续性的因素。All of the preceding points are ones of continuity.

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前述的流程是对例子的最好解释。The preceding flow is best explained with an example.

前面打的那几次电话结果同样不坏。The preceding phone calls had been equally successful.

他的证词和前一位的互相矛盾。His testimony contradicted that of the preceding witness.

证实我们与前机有足够间隔。Confirm we have enough separation from preceding aircraft.

前一年同期砍伐面积是7,255平方英里。Some 7,255 square miles were cleared in the preceding year.

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作者在前一章就预先考虑到这问题。The author anticipated the question in a preceding chapter.

公元前2852年至公元前2205年,这是时间前夏朝。BCE to 2205 BCE, which is the time preceding the Xia Dynasty.

多花黑麦草是水稻和杂交狼尾草较好的前作。Annual ryegrass was the better preceding crops of rice and HPR.

一半的绒毛膜癌发生于葡萄胎后。Half of choriocarcinomas arise in preceding hydatidiform moles.

而1944年6月前空战一直在持续着。It was in the air war lasting several years preceding June 1944

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有柱的礼堂或祷告室就位于garba-griha前面。Pillared halls or mandapas are found preceding the garba-griha.

我高度赏玩后面那私人难得的正确演练。I highly treasure the preceding manis precious precise exercise.

不然,本人宁可在你恨本人地前一刻死去。Otherwise, I rather hate me in you the preceding quarter to die.

作者在前一章中就已经考虑到这一问题。The author had anticipated the question in a preceding ch apter.

非公募基金会不得使用上述字样。A non-public offering foundation may not use the preceding words.

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我高度欣赏前面那个人可贵的精确演练.I highly appreciate the preceding man’s precious precise exercise.

为了引入今天的课题,先简要回顾下上节课内容Let me just review the preceding lecture briefly for that purpose.

如果前面没有反斜杠,单独一个句点代表任意字符。Without the preceding slash, the period alone means any character.