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谁喜欢看到一个蓬头垢面的空间呢?Who likes to see an unkempt room?

那个老乞丐蓬头垢面。The old beggar was dirty and unkempt.

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我的头发蓬乱,我要梳理一下。I have unkempt hair,I have to comb it.

允许偶尔蓬头垢面,但要注重场合。Unkempt occasionally allowed, but must focus on occasion.

人们认为革命者都是满脸胡须,邋里邋遢的。People expected revolutionaries to be bearded and unkempt.

看上去像个邋里邋遢的大学生也无所谓。They can get away with looking like unkempt college students.

主人们不在的时候,草地变得凌乱不堪。During the owners' absence the lawn became dreadfully unkempt.

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想着这些衣着不整的老男人,我晃了晃头然后笑了。I throw my head back and laugh, thinking of these unkempt old men.

他的头发邋遢而凌乱,他结满茧子的双手伤痕累累脏污不堪。His hair was unkempt and frazzled, his calloused hands cut and stained.

草食动物能使草地整洁,我也不喜欢杂草丛生的草地。The grazers keep the grass neat, and I have no liking for unkempt grounds.

他的声音嘶哑,加上他那副蓬头垢面的样子,听起来很可怕。His voice was hoarse and his unkempt head only added to its grewsome quality.

跟毒瘾者般,头发胡子不修,皮肤苍白,缺乏食欲。They are like junkies, with unkempt hair and beards, bad skin and poor appetites.

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那一片暴露在风中的灌木丛在雷哲毕眼中就如同杂乱的沙拉吧台,他信手就摘下了一片薄薄的绿色叶片。Treating the windswept brush as an unkempt salad bar, he plucked a thin green blade.

通往门口的砖路两旁是高大、杂乱的黄杨树篱。The brick path to the door was hemmed in on either side by tall, unkempt boxwood hedges.

乔鲁乌斯·瑟鲍思是一位身材瘦长、肌肉发达的男人,长着蓬乱的灰头发和大胡子。Joruus C'baoth was a tall, lean and muscular man with unkempt gray hair and a long beard.

过于明显的人造毛修边让它看起来跟她的女主人一样邋遢。The distinctive faux -fur trim along its edges looked as unkempt as the woman who held it.

这个错误的妇女最常见的错误,男性最常见的第二是蓬乱的鞋。The most common mistake for men and the second-most common mistake for women is unkempt shoes.

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曾有访客在其居住地新罕布什尔州见过他,把他描绘成一位不修边幅的隐士。Visitors who caught sight of him in New Hampshire where he lived described an unkempt recluse.

巴拉达在贾巴的座驾工作人员队伍里逐步晋升,最后成为这支肮脏舰队的队长。Barada worked his way up Jabba's vehicle pool, eventually becoming captain of the unkempt fleet.

铁拐李是中国民间传说中的八仙之一,他蓬头垢面,袒腹跛足。Tieguaili, one of the Eight Immortals in the Chinese folklore, was unkempt and lame and exposed belly.