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这就是那座神龛的结局,他自身都难保,如何守护人?So that was the end of the shrine.

纳加尔霍雷,店铺,还是圣地?Nagarahole, The Shop or The Shrine?

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许多朝圣者参拜圣地。Many pilgrims worship at the shrine.

异教徒亵渎神圣的神殿。The infidels defiled the holy shrine.

他们竟然在中心商业区盖了一个小殿!!!How could they build a shrine in CBD !

靖国神社大鸟居有多架势?。How big is the Torii of Yasukuni Shrine?

希腊人把一座庙奉献给神。The Greeks dedicated a shrine to the god.

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许多朝圣者心虔意诚地在神殿跪拜。Many pilgrims knelt piously at the shrine.

在印度有一个著名的印度寺庙。There is one famous Hindu shrine in India.

你将会传送回戈德林圣殿。This will return you the Shrine of Goldrinn.

这个博物馆在很大程度上就是一个贝利纪念馆。In many ways, the museum is a shrine to Pele.

马萨达现在是以色列圣地。So if you go to Israel now Masada is a shrine.

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扫墓俗称上坟,祭奠死者的一种活动。This grave, the shrine of the dead an activity.

神殿里有一个供着香的祭坛。The shrine or sanctuary housed an incense altar.

图为希拉里周二参观东京的明治神宫。She visited the Meiji shrine in Tokyo on Tuesday.

绝望中,他来到阿芙罗狄蒂的神殿寻求援助。In despair he went to Aphrodite's shrine for help.

神堂弟子从神殿内出来碰到了谈德。Oracle comes out from the shrine and meets Damdeok.

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很多人都将这张纸挂在了离神祠不远的树上。Many people tie the paper to a tree near the shrine.

卫兵仪队交接仪式在台北的忠烈祠。Performance by the guards at Martyr's Shrine in Taipei.

他进了屋,在神龛前念了经文。He entered and recited a sutra before the family shrine.